
Login button opens new tab unnecessarily

MillironX opened this issue · 1 comments

Steps to Reproduce

  1. In a new browser window, navigate to
  2. Click the "Login" button in the top-right corner

Expected Behavior

The browser navigates to the login page, and then to my Tower dashboard

Actual Behavior

The browser opens a new tab, and that tab navigates to login, and then to my Tower dashboard


Opening new browser windows on users has been considered impolite for over two decades now: In this instance, it is even more annoying because

  1. The dashboard url and the "landing page" url are the exact same
  2. I am automatically logged out of Tower so frequently (~every 3 hrs, but I haven't timed it)

Which means I tend to think I'm going directly to my dashboard, but will be forced into opening a new tab, instead.

Suggested Solution

Remove the target="_blank" attribute from the login button on the main screen.

This is now resolved. Thanks for reporting.