syntex successfully parses mismatched brackets
Closed this issue · 1 comments
oli-obk commented
syntex converts
impl Deserialize for Operation {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: &mut D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
where D: Deserializer {
let v = try!(Value::deserialize(deserializer));
if let Value::Object(ref map) = v.clone() {
if let Some(&Value::String(ref s) = map.get("type") {
let result = match s.as_ref() {
"constructor" => Deserialize::deserialize(&mut value::Deserializer::new(v)).map(Operation::Constructor),
"function" => Deserialize::deserialize(&mut value::Deserializer::new(v)).map(Operation::Function),
"event" => Deserialize::deserialize(&mut value::Deserializer::new(v)).map(Operation::Event),
_ => Err(SerdeError::custom("Invalid operation type.")),
return result.map_err(|e| D::Error::custom(format!("{:?}", e).as_ref()));
Err(D::Error::custom("Invalid operation"))
impl Deserialize for Operation {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: &mut D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
where D: Deserializer {
let v = try!(Value :: deserialize ( deserializer ));
if let Value::Object(ref map) = v.clone() { }
Err(D::Error::custom("Invalid operation"))
oli-obk commented
Instead syntex should fail to parse the original function, instead of just dropping the erroneous expression.
The following statement will disappear without error in syntex:
if let Some(&Value::String(ref s) = map.get("type") {}