
In Vue3, onClick is called twice.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I have found that when I use @click from the Emoji component, it is called twice in Vue 3. I believe this is because the Emoji component is not using the emits option.

Thank you.

If you are only trying to get an event when the user has selected an emoji, I would recommend using the @select on the Emoji component instead (this is called once).

@select = "myEvent"

@Hysterelius Thanks!
However, I do not plan to use the Picker as I only want to use the Emoji component.


import data from 'emoji-mart-vue-fast/data/all.json'
let index = new EmojiIndex(data)

export default {
  computed: {
    santaEmojiObject() {
      return index.findEmoji(':santa:')

I reproduced this issue in the vue3 demo project, the click handler invoked twice, first with emoji object and second time with PointerEvent object.

Related discussion: vuejs/core#813

Adding emits: ["click"] to the component definition seems to help and vue 2 project works with this change too.

I published version 12.0.1 with the fix.

Fixed in #243