seregonwar/PFU-PupFileUnpacker Bug Report

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I have found a few potential issues and bugs in the provided code:

  1. Import error: The code uses io module for creating a BytesIO object, but it is not imported.

    Solution: Add import io at the beginning of the code.

  2. Indentation error: The code inside the dec_pup function is not properly indented.

    Solution: Correct the indentation for the entire function.

  3. Logging error: The closing function is imported from contextlib, but it is not used in the code. Instead, the contextmanager is used, which should raise an error.

    Solution: Replace with closing(io.BytesIO(data[file_offset:file_offset+file_size])) as stream: with with io.BytesIO(data[file_offset:file_offset+file_size]) as stream:.

  4. Logging error: The logging.debug function is used to log messages, but the logging level is set to logging.INFO. Therefore, the debug messages will not be displayed.

    Solution: Change the logging level to logging.DEBUG to display debug messages.

  5. Error handling: The code does not handle the case when the file cannot be written to the output directory.

    Solution: Add proper error handling for file writing, such as using a try-except block to catch any exceptions.

  6. Code style: The code does not follow the PEP 8 style guide for Python code.

    Solution: Improve the code style by following the PEP 8 guidelines, such as using lowercase with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability for variable and function names.

Here's the corrected code with the above issues addressed:

import os
import struct
import zlib
import logging
import io
from contextlib import contextmanager

# Constants
MAGIC = b'\x01\x4F\xC1\x0A'
VER1, VER2 = 1, 2

def nullcontext():

def dec_pup(data, output_dir='.', version=2, loglevel=logging.INFO):
    Extracts and decodes the files contained in a PUP PS4 file.

    data (bytes): Binary data of the PUP file
    output_dir (str): Directory where extracted files will be saved
    version (int): Version of the PUP format
    loglevel (int): Logging level

    files (list): List of extracted files
    # Configuring logging

    # Verifying header
    if data[:4] != MAGIC:
        raise ValueError("Invalid magic number")"Valid PUP file, decoding begins...")

    # Reading header
    header = data[:HEADER_SIZE]
    ver, num_files = struct.unpack_from('<2I', header, 4)

    if ver not in [VER1, VER2]:
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported PUP version {ver}")

    # Decoding file loop
    offset, files = HEADER_SIZE, []
    for i in range(num_files):

        # Reading entry and extracting metadata
        entry = data[offset:offset+ENTRY_SIZE]
        file_offset, file_size = struct.unpack_from('<2Q', entry, 8)
        compression_type = entry[:4]

        logging.debug(f"Decoding file {i+1}/{num_files}")

        # Reading and extracting file data
        with nullcontext() as stream:
            if file_size > 0:
                stream = io.BytesIO(data[file_offset:file_offset+file_size])
            file_data =

        if compression_type == b'zlib':
            file_data = zlib.decompress(file_data)

        # Saving to file system
        outfile = os.path.join(output_dir, f"file{i+1}.bin")
            with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"Error writing file {outfile}: {e}")

        offset += ENTRY_SIZE"Decoding complete, files saved to {output_dir}")

    return files