- 3
[BUG]: Extracted Embeddings
#114 opened by Suhail-SSRC - 3
[FEATURE]: Remove open-cv dependency
#110 opened by CodingAudrey2 - 1
- 3
- 1
[FEATURE]: Eyes covering
#109 opened by patrickdalla - 4
ValueError: A KerasTensor cannot be used as input to a TensorFlow function. (TensorFlow 2.17.0)
#107 opened by szy-kenn - 1
- 3
[BUG]: ModuleNotFoundError when using tensorflow 2.17.0.
#106 opened by Arritmic - 2
Is there a way to increase the GPU usage/overall performance, possibly with batch input?
#105 opened by grishagr - 1
Adding Tinaface as backend: As Tinaface is lightweight model compared to Retinaface
#104 opened by Raghucharan16 - 3
- 1
- 8
When extracting faces, sometimes function will return empty array if face is not completely in view.
#98 opened by newbiemate - 4
- 2
detect_faces image preprocessing?
#96 opened by utility-aagrawal - 9
- 6
- 0
publish a release on pip not to have `Argument padding must be either 'valid' or 'same'. Received: padding=VALID`
#92 opened by serengil - 2
- 1
Can detect_faces take in batched inputs? as in several rgb arrays at a time?
#89 opened by WhyAreYouJay - 5
Error: keras to tf
#88 opened by WhyAreYouJay - 1
facial area variables
#86 opened by serengil - 1
- 1
Bug while feeding input image argument from web
#82 opened by serengil - 2
Retina-face forces the installation of full tensorflow, even when tensorflow-cpu is already installed
#79 opened by volanin - 1
Adding requirements and readme as a data file
#77 opened by serengil - 1
Face Alignment - 1st, Extraction - 2nd
#67 opened by victortrintea - 1
expanding facial area with percentage
#74 opened by serengil - 2
ValueError while calling RetinaFace.detect_faces('img3.jpg') or RetinaFace.build_model()
#68 opened by AjinkyaG - 1
create a logger
#72 opened by serengil - 1
- 3
Add URL Input like Deepface
#57 opened by ColludingPudding - 2
Working for some images, not working for some even in case of a clear picture
#62 opened by jokerisgod - 2
High VRAM usage on Linux
#69 opened by brandostrong - 1
Which library versions do you suggest for maximum GPU performance on Windows?
#70 opened by FurkanGozukara - 2
Doubt: Inside the Preprocessfunction , not changing the dimension to (N,C,H,W) ?
#66 opened by mathanprasannakumar - 2
Using GPU; tensorflow-gpu deprecated
#61 opened by edavalosanaya - 1
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#63 opened by htcml - 1
What maximum FPS have you achieved?
#60 opened by martinenkoEduard - 1
What is the mean FPS when using cuda with 3080? How to improve perfomance.
#59 opened by martinenkoEduard - 4
How do I enable CUDA support?
#58 opened by martinenkoEduard - 1
detect_faces(image) return ndarray
#54 opened by ZxUkr - 2
- 1
Question regarding verify function
#51 opened by Micky-123 - 1
Image resolution for inference
#50 opened by Micky-123 - 3
Disable Keras progression bar
#42 opened by amar-enkhbat - 1
postprocess line 28
#45 opened by cacko - 1
using retinaface.extract on multiple images
#44 opened by teenaxta - 1