Download prompt keeps being displayed
mariusz1026 opened this issue · 1 comments
No matter what I try, when I run the starter project and click on the download page of the DuckDuckGo page the download prompt opens instead of downloading the file directly.
I've modified the serenity.conf of the starter project as follows
- added the prefs part
- added path to chromedriver
- headless = false
I'm using chromedriver v.117 on chrome v.117.0.5938.14
serenity {
take.screenshots = FOR_FAILURES
headless.mode = false
webdriver {
driver = chrome
capabilities {
browserName = "chrome"
acceptInsecureCerts = true
"goog:chromeOptions" {
args = ["remote-allow-origins=*","test-type", "no-sandbox", "ignore-certificate-errors", "--window-size=1000,800",
"incognito", "disable-infobars", "disable-gpu", "disable-default-apps", "disable-popup-blocking",
"disable-dev-shm-usage", "disable-extensions", "disable-web-security", "disable-translate", "disable-logging"]
prefs {
download.default_directory = "C:\\Users\\XXX\\Downloads\\"
download.directory_upgrade = true
download.prompt_for_download = false
safebrowsing.enabled = false
safebrowsing.disable_download_protection = true
profile.default_content_settings.popups = 0
drivers {
windows { = "src/test/resources/chromedriver.exe"
The preferences appear in the console :
09:47:05.845 [ForkJoinPool-2-worker-7] INFO n.s.c.w.d.ChromeDriverProvider - Capabilities {acceptInsecureCerts: true, browserName: chrome, goog:chromeOptions: {args: [test-type, no-sandbox, ignore-certificate-errors, --window-size=1000,800, incognito, disable-infobars, disable-gpu, disable-default-apps, disable-popup-blocking, disable-dev-shm-usage, disable-extensions, disable-web-security, disable-translate, disable-logging, test-type, no-sandbox, ignore-certificate-errors, --window-size=1000,800, incognito, disable-infobars, disable-gpu, disable-default-apps, disable-popup-blocking, disable-dev-shm-usage, disable-extensions, disable-web-security, disable-translate, disable-logging, remote-allow-origins=*], extensions: [], prefs: {download.default_directory: C:\Users\XXX\Downloads, download.directory_upgrade: true, download.prompt_for_download: false, profile.default_content_settings.popups: 0, safebrowsing.disable_download_protection: true, safebrowsing.enabled: false}}}
What am I missing ?
Adding the args : "safebrowsing-disable-extension-blacklist", "safebrowsing-disable-download-protection"
and the pref : download.extensions_to_open = "appinstaller"
disables the prompt, but the file is opened, which is not what I expect...