
Is there a way to call Aggregator from java code instead of calling it from Pom.xml

prak0628 opened this issue · 12 comments

In my group , we are using serenity with JBehave . We are trying to create an executable jar for our functional testers so that they can double click on the jar and execute the test.For the same i am not able to call the aggregate phase since the executable jar does not have a pom.xml to do so.
May i please know is there any way for us to create JSON reports and the call the aggregate method via java code for eg: In @AfterStories annotation. Please advice on this.

@prak0628 I don't know the answer myself, but I have been wondering as I'd like to do the same thing. There's about 5 or 6 files in the maven plugin it seems, and you might be quicker than I am at figuring out which serenity code they call.

Hello @prak0628.

Take a look at gradle plugin, may be source of it will be helpful for you.

main line there is:


Hi @prak0628

If you fell that you find answer for your question - please close this issue.
Thanks a lot!

Hi Yam,
Still the issue is not resolved and working on it.

@prak0628 if you have some additional question - just ask.


@yam Stranger
Iam unable to use the Gradle plug in since it needs a Project object from the Gradle API. But not sure how i can download the dependency for org.gardle.api.Project . Please let me know if you have any info.

@prak0628 you don't need gradle at all. Just use it as example of code, where reporter class are used - not more.


It is simple class, and can be separately used from generating reports.

The same lines you will find in maven-plugin and ant-plugin.

We have two types of reports:

  1. when you run tests with serenity bdd, it creates some reports in xml, html formats, with unique names
  2. after that reporter class used to aggregate those reports from first step and create some statistics and so on.

I do understand i have to use the above line of code.But in order to create an object for "HtmlAggregateStoryReporter" , i have to create it with mentioning Project(org.gradle.api.Project) while instantiating which iam unable to find.

@prak0628, I don't understand you

I see that you need only project name (it is string), and folder with reports. Nothing more (

May be we are talking about different sings, can you provide some example where you can try to use this class HtmlAggregateStoryReporter ?

It seems that this problem already solved.

@YamStranger @prak0628 , if you guys know the solution could you please help me because even I am looking for this

As mentioned in the above thread, take a look at the Maven or Gradle plugin source code ( - generating the reports programatically is straightforward and only needs a dependency on serenity-core.