
A corpus annotated for reasoning and evidence to support credibility assessment


The blog credibility corpus is a dataset to aid the credibility assessment of blog articles written by software practitioners. The dataset was preseted at EASE 2021.For more information, please refer to the paper or contact the authors.

Format of the dataset

The file blog_credibility_dataset.tsv contains 19996 sentences. The annotations consist of 3 tags that label elements of argumentation (Claim, Reasoning, Conclusion) and 7 tags that label types of evidence. The columns are as follows:

  • ID: a unique identifier for the sentence
  • Document_ID: a unique identifier for the blog article that the sentence originates from
  • Sentence_ID: a indentifier of the sentence within the document and indicator of its order
  • Sentence_Text: the sentence that has been annotated
  • Claim: a binary indicator of whether the sentence contains a claim
  • Reasoning: a binary indicator of whether the sentence contains any reasoning
  • Conclusion: a binary indicator of whether the sentence contains any conclusions
  • Citation: a binary indicator of whether the sentence contains any citations/links to external content
  • Code Snippet: a binary indicator of whether the sentence contains any code snippets
  • Events: a binary indicator of whether the sentence contains any events
  • Experience: a binary indicator of whether the sentence contains any mentions of experience
  • Reference to Table/Image: a binary indicator of whether the sentence references any tables or images
  • Statistics/Data: a binary indicator of whether the sentence references any data or statistics
  • Other: a binary indicator of whether the sentence contains any other form of evidence that is not covered by the above labels

Please refer to the paper for full definitions


The dataset is released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.


Please cite the following paper in your work when using the dataset:

Williams, A., Shardlow, M. and Rainer, A., 2021. Towards a corpus for credibility assessment in software practitioner blog articles. In Procedings of the 25th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2021).

  title={Towards a corpus for credibility assessment in software practitioner blog articles},
  author={Williams, Ashley, Shardlow, Matthew and Rainer, Austen},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment on Software Engineering},
  address={New York, NY, USA}