eror when use
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pydumpck amer.pyc > 1
2024-02-02 22:56:29,321 [+] pydumpck is a multi-threads tool for decompile exe,elf,pyz,pyc packed by python which is base on pycdc and uncompyle6.sometimes its py-file result not exactly right ,maybe could use uncompyle6.
pydumpck initilizing with 1.18.5
2024-02-02 22:56:29,326 [] plugins loaded with ['pycdc']
2024-02-02 22:56:29,326 [] target file input:amer.pyc
2024-02-02 22:56:29,328 [*] start dump target file. type:TYPE_UNKNOWN
2024-02-02 22:56:32,332 [+] completed,cost 3007ms with result:unkonwn file-type:amer.pyc
unkonwn file-type:amer.pyc
python3.9 -m pydumpck amer.pyc
I don't know about Python version '3.9.18' yet.
Python versions 3.9 and greater are not supported.
I don't know about Python version '3.9.18' yet.
Python versions 3.9 and greater are not supported.
I don't know about Python version '3.9.18' yet.
Python versions 3.9 and greater are not supported.
I don't know about Python version '3.9.18' yet.
Python versions 3.9 and greater are not supported.
I don't know about Python version '3.9.18' yet.
Python versions 3.9 and greater are not supported.
I don't know about Python version '3.9.18' yet.
Python versions 3.9 and greater are not supported.
/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/python3.9: No module named pydumpck.main; 'pydumpck' is a package and cannot be directly executed
i try so many pythons 3.10/3.9/3.11 but still same problem can you help?
try use 3.9.x
like 3.9.10
but not 3.9.latest
try use
but not3.9.latest