
A tool that is used for the AEGEE members assemblies (Agoras) to submit and manage submitted presentations

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple upload tool that is aimed towards use during AEGEE events to submit presentations and/or videos that are to be presented during the (statutory) event. It provides an upload interface (unprotected), a way to access a submission directly through a known URL, and an admin backend which shows all submissions.

Note: Everyone with a submission URL can change the current version of the submission!


To install, follow these steps:

  • Clone this repository to a local directory
  • cd into the directory you cloned this in
  • Copy private/settings.example.json to private/settings.json and change settings to what you want
  • Run $ meteor npm install
  • Run $ meteor
  • Assuming you're using the default port, you can now access it from localhost:3000


Configuration happens in private/settings.json. Here, you can configure the following fields:

  • username: admin username. Is applied on server start.
  • password: admin password. Is applied on server start.
  • email: admin email. Is applied on server start. New uploads will be notified here. (Does not work yet)
  • timeslots: A key -> array structure of which timeslots are on which days.
  • uploadpath: A path, relative from the root project directory, where uploads will be stored. Needs write access by the application.


After initial installation, you can simply start the app again by running meteor from the directory of the application.


  • Add some screenshots