
Visual Studio 2022?

ctbrewer opened this issue ยท 15 comments

I love DPack and can't live without the bookmarks feature. I notice that DPack is not available as an extension for the VS 2022 preview and was wondering when it might?

TBHWY, I have not looked into VS 2022 support yet simply because well it's preview. I targeted previews in the past VS versions and it's been challenging to support - last minute broken features, API changes, etc. My plan was to wait until RC is available before I start looking into that. Rest assured that VS 2022 GA will be supported.

Hi @sergey-visual-studio thank you for your amazing extension which I can't live without it.
The VS 2022 RC is finally out and I miss this extension.

May I can help you migrating?

Yeah, saw that. I'm gonna start on that once I free up in the next few weeks or so. Will post here once I have something.

Could you create something for Visual Studio 2022 release date 8/11/2022? With file browser, code browser and bookmarks?

Work's slowly beginning on VS 2022 port, keyword there is slowly. Hopefully I'll have a beta out November/December time frame.

i'm in the same boat -- dpack is my first extension to install -- feel free to reach out and let us know if there is anything we can do to help in development or in testing. Thanks!

@sergey-visual-studio I can't code without dPack :) . When are you releasing a VS2022 version? Thanks for the best extension ever

I mentioned earlier that beta likely to see the light of day November/December time frame. Having seen how things are progressing, it's more like some time by the end of December give or take.

so no VS2022 until dPack is released.

Hopefully it won't be that long. Things are looking better now as I had gotten past a major stumbling block with VS refusing to load DPack assembly (backwards compatibility issues). So, I'd say it's likely that I'll push first beta out sometime in the later part of this month. Stay tuned.

VS 2022 compatible version is available for download here under Releases and from the VS marketplace. Submit new issue for any problems you run into. Thanks.

working great so far -- thanks!!

Thank you so much ๐Ÿ‘! It's working great.

Thanks for DPack 2022 - works great. I've started to get used to VS 2022 'Go to All' feature and VS 2022 bookmarks but DPack is still better.

@sergey-visual-studio You rock man. Thanks for providing the best extension ever in VS history.