
Dual installation of VS2019 and VS2022 messes keyboard shortcuts

pantonis opened this issue · 11 comments

When I assign default keyboard shortcuts in VS2022 that removes the keyboard shortcuts on VS2019 for dPack. Then when I try to assign
default keyboard shortcuts to VS2019 shortcuts are removed from VS2022.

Tell me more please. Do you have both VS 2019 and 2022 running when that happens? When you say shortcuts are removed, how does that manifest itself? Thanks.

Yes both are running when that happens. When I go to VS2022 dPack options and click Assign shortcuts, dPack shortcuts and VS2019 keyboard shortcuts on VS2019 are gone.

I have even tried to go dPack options and click Assign shortcuts when only VS2022 is open and once assigned, VS2022 keyboard shortcuts are gone

Can't reproduce it here unfortunately. If anyone else could confirm it that would be great.

I'm seeing some weird issues on my machine with both VS 2019 and 2022 installed. Somehow Startup dialog contents gets crosspollinated between 2 versions. But as I said earlier, I'm not seeing shortcuts issue though.

I'm sorry you can't reproduce it. Is there anything else that I can do to help getting the issue?

It's a long shot, and I suspect it won't yield much, but try closing VS, navigating to DPack's log folder, deleting all logs, and starting over. After that fire up VS again and try repeating the steps that cause the issue to occur for you. Once that happens, collect the logs and post them here for me to check. Thanks.

Here are the steps that I followed: (Before starting the below steps, VS custom keyboard shortcuts I set were working fine on both VS2019 and VS2022. dPack shortcuts were working only on VS2019.

  1. I deleted dPack logs from both VS2019 and VS2022.
  2. Restarted both IDEs
  3. Opened both IDEs
  4. Assigned dPack shortcuts to VS2022. VS2022 dPack shortcuts were working
  5. VS2019 dPack shortcuts stopped working.
  6. Both VS2019 and VS2022 custom keyboard shortcuts stopped working

dPack logs were produced only for VS2022 (check below). No VS2019 dPack logs

08:56:34.827 *** Start logging ***
08:56:34.827 Initialization Date: 12/21/21
08:56:34.827 Initialization Version:
08:56:34.827 Initialization Beta expires on: 17/01/2022
08:56:34.827 Initialization Visual Studio: 17.0.31903.59 D17.0
08:56:34.827 Initialization OS: 10.0.19042.0
08:56:34.827 Initialization Process Id: 20024
08:56:34.835 Feature Factory Loading Miscellaneous feature
08:56:34.846 Feature Factory Loaded Miscellaneous feature
08:56:34.847 Feature Factory Loading FileBrowser feature
08:56:34.849 Feature Factory Loaded FileBrowser feature
08:56:34.849 Feature Factory Loading CodeBrowser feature
08:56:34.853 Feature Factory Loaded CodeBrowser feature
08:56:34.856 Feature Factory Loading SurroundWith feature
08:56:34.858 Feature Factory Loaded SurroundWith feature
08:56:34.858 Feature Factory Loading SupportOptions feature
08:56:34.865 Feature Factory Loaded SupportOptions feature
08:56:34.865 Feature Factory Loading Bookmarks feature
08:56:34.868 Feature Factory Loaded Bookmarks feature
08:56:34.874 Package Preloaded select references
08:57:17.086 Shell VS command View.ViewCode - resolved {CB3FCFEB-03DF-11D1-81D2-00A0C91BBEE3} scope to HTML Editor Source View
08:57:17.090 Shell VS command View.ViewCode - resolved {8B382828-6202-11D1-8870-0000F87579D2} scope to Text Editor
08:57:17.144 Shell Assigned shortcuts
08:57:19.830 Options Options saved: Support Options
08:57:21.114 File Browser Initializing...
08:57:21.117 Solution Processor Collecting solution projects
08:57:21.117 Solution Processor Resolving solution name
08:57:21.117 Solution Processor Processing 1 collected solution projects
08:57:21.137 Language Cached 8 language definitions
08:57:21.138 Project Processor Collecting 'CsvReader' project files
08:57:21.138 Resolver Check 'CsvReader' project language
08:57:21.138 Resolver 'CsvReader' project language is C#
08:57:21.156 Project Processor Collected 15 'CsvReader' project files
08:57:21.181 Solution Processor Processed 1 qualified solution projects
08:57:21.189 File Browser Initialized
08:57:23.034 Shell Collapse all projects - enter
08:57:23.035 Shell Collapse all projects - solution CsvReader
08:57:23.079 Shell Collapse all projects - exit

After that I tried to assign dPack shortcuts to VS2019 and this is what I got in the VS2019 dPack logs:

09:20:01.000 *** Start logging ***
09:20:01.000 Date: 12/21/21
09:20:01.000 Version:
09:20:01.000 Runtime: 4.0.30319.42000
09:20:01.000 IDE: 16.0.31005.135 D16.8
09:20:01.000 OS: Windows 10 (10.0.19042.0)
09:20:01.000 Process Id: 42096
09:20:01.523 Error assigning shortcut for VS View.ViewCode command and F7 binding
09:20:01.523 Exception information:
System.ArgumentException: The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))
at EnvDTE.Command.set_Bindings(Object pVar)
at USysWare.DPack.USysWare.Drivers.IDriverHelper.AssignShortcuts()
09:20:01.534 VS command View.ViewCode - resolved {CB3FCFEB-03DF-11D1-81D2-00A0C91BBEE3} scope to HTML Editor Source View
09:20:01.547 VS command View.ViewCode - resolved {8B382828-6202-11D1-8870-0000F87579D2} scope to Text Editor
09:20:01.563 Error assigning shortcut for VS View.ViewDesigner command and F7 binding
09:20:01.563 Exception information:
System.ArgumentException: The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))
at EnvDTE.Command.set_Bindings(Object pVar)
at USysWare.DPack.USysWare.Drivers.IDriverHelper.AssignShortcuts()
09:20:01.623 Assigned shortcuts

Thanks for the log. As expected, I don't see anything out of place there. Not being able to reproduce it, I'm running out of options here.

I built a test version for you to try on VS 2022. There are 2 separate keyboard assignment parts there. We could try narrowing it down to see which one causes the problem for you. It'll show 2 extra dialog prompts. Try playing with yes/no selection to see if that makes any difference on VS 2019 shortcut assignments. Of course, if you pick No for both dialogs no shortcut assignment will take place.

It'll generate a bit more log entries. Please attach those as well. BTW, you could attach the log file instead of posting its contents. Thanks.

Attached is VS 2022 test extension. Rename it to .vsix and install it from Windows Explorer.

Are you using an older VS 2019 compatible DPack version by any chance? Just asking based on issue #22 feedback. Thanks.

Sorry for my late reply.
Yes that was the case. I used an older version of dPack on VS2019. I updated to dPack Rx and now the problem is gone!!! Thanks a lot for the assistance.
dPack is the greatest productivity tool of all time. Keep up the good work.