
"collection file information"

zythra opened this issue · 9 comments

DPack Rx Version, VS 2019

When opening the file browser, the "Code Browser's collection file information" dialog pops up every single time and in most projects I'm working in it takes several seconds for it to go away. This wasn't an issue in pre-Rx releases, so it seems to be unique to Rx. Any chance it could cache the file information to make it less disruptive when using the file browser?


Hi there.

Yeah, it's shown if browser window takes close to a second to spin up (an arbitrary # chosen by me). The intent there is to let the user know something is taking place as oppose to basically nothing. The difference between old DPack and new DPack Rx is that in my testing WPF appears to be slower to come up just a ted, which is why it that cancellable window was added in the first place.

I have not seen any significant delays vs old DPack in my internal testing and day to day DPack Rx use. If I were to guess w/o further investigation it could any one of the following:

  • related to the size of the file and # of code members in that particular file
  • an issue processing your project type
  • a regression in DPack Rx
  • etc

Is there any way for you to isolate it in a reproducible test case and upload it for me? Also, if you could add the log file point out file in question that would help as well. Thanks.

Hey Sergey, thanks for the response. I'll see what I can do to put together a solution where I can replicate it for you. I was just trying it out on a few different files and it's definitely more pronounced in larger files. It might take me some time to get a solution over to you, I'll try to get one put together in the next week.

Thanks! If you could post DPack's log file ahead of that, it might give me a chance to seep through that to see if anything stands out.

Sergey, sorry man, I haven't had a chance to follow up on this. I was thinking about it yesterday and realized I haven't really noticed it much anymore. Whether that's because it was environmental or because I've just gotten used to it I'm not sure. Either way, if you would like, go ahead and close this issue for now. If I notice it significantly again I'll grab a log file and get it over to you.

Thanks for letting me know.

I've reconsidered it. Lets keep it open for a while. I'll do more investigation to see if I can dig anything up.

File Browser appears to be noticeably faster in my test version. I'm gonna switch gears to Code Browser now as I think it could use some TLC as well.

Code Browser appears to be marginally faster now too, more noticeably when invoking filtered member list, ie Methods or Properties only as oppose to All members.

I'll try wrapping it up in the next couple of days and pushing another beta out. Thanks.

New version is up. Let me know how it works for you. Thanks.