
node 7.* does not read from socket stream

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erkie commented

In Node 7:

var Ftp = require("jsftp");

var ftp = new Ftp({...});
ftp.get("myfile", function(err, socket) {
    socket.on("data", function() {
        console.log("read chunk");

This code does not work. The socket/stream does never read anything. I noticed that socket.pause() is called in jsftp.js. So you need to manually call socket.resume(); for it to fetch data again.

var Ftp = require("jsftp");

var ftp = new Ftp({...});
ftp.get("myfile", function(err, socket) {
    socket.on("data", function() {
        console.log("read chunk");

Either this is a bug, or the documentation needs amending. Thoughts?