
Simple game for two players on one device, each player has 5 tanks

Primary LanguageKotlin

Tank Battle

Simple game for two players on one device.


  • Each player has 5 tanks. One of player's tank is leader one. Only leader tank can shoot and it cannot be shoot until there are others tank unshooted.
  • On new game start it's randomly chosen whose player's turn is. After that each player makes his shoot in turn until game is over.
  • Player wins when he hits enemy's leader tank.
  • Player can adjust angle of shooting tapping around his leader tank. He can adjust the strength of the shooting as well.
  • For now game available only in landscape orientation.

Minimal SDK: 16

Used technologies:

  • There is only one activity with a Custom view as a battle field. There are no animations used, just a painting on canvas (circles and bitmaps)