

martinstrimpfl opened this issue · 8 comments

How to force this sink to output the MessageTemplate property too?

@martinstrimpfl Sink is emitting rendered message instead of MessageTemplate. I believe a good message is better than cryptic template but if there is a better use case, it can be made part of log message in later releases.

The reasons for the MessageTeplate field introduction are described here:

IMHO it would be left to the user to decide whether to render the Message or to write the MessageTemplate or to use both.

Another option is to include a hash value of the template in the Properties.

Under the hood, same good practiced is being followed except message rendering part. In practice I got mixed signals from end users asking where is message?

Initially, I was showing message template but people were asking what is this message? MessageTemplate": "The time is {Time},. Mostly there were expecting a complete message instead of template.

However, I'm still storing message properties as object for application or automated processing. Inclusion of Message Template as hash is an option too.

@nblumhardt your input please.

IMHO the inclusion of the MT's hash would be a nice solution - it would keep the message readable when allowing the search for all the occurrences at the same time.

👍 hash is a good "happy medium". There's a hash implementation in Serilog.Formatting.Compact that may be useful to copy in and use here - EventIdHash.cs.

Is it possible to implement it? I've done it locally but I am not allowed to push my changes (in a branch) to the repo.

Indeed its possible but will take some time before it make its way nuget.

MessageTemplate and EventIdHash exposed. Please see #38

@nblumhardt @martinstrimpfl