Changing Exception Message
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For security reason i need to hash all emails in logs.
I have a problem when i am sending an "Information" log which got exception. Its not a property so AzureTableStorageWithProperties can't help me :/
Exception is read only and i cant change its value.
Earlier I got the same problem when i was writing logs to file but there i just made a new propertie (which was exception message with hashed email) and change outPutTemplate to not use exception but to use my own property
const string logOutputTemplate = "{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff zzz} [{Level:u3}] {Message:lj} " + "<{ThreadId}>{NewLine}{ExceptionWithHiddenEmail}";
Maybe you got any idea how to do it? Is it possible to not write to AzureStorage Informations like: Level/Exception?
The sink has been rewritten in version 8. You can now fully customize the document created from the log event by implementing IDocumentFactory.