
Receiving HTML email as plain text

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Following the example of the HtmlTableFormatter in IBatchFormatter i tried to send an email with html formatting. However it was just received as plain text in Outlook 2021:

<table><tr>Source directory not found: (path to file)</tr><tr>Source directory not found:  (path to file)</tr><tr>Source directory not found:  (path to file)</tr><tr>Source directory not found:  (path to file)</tr></table>

The following setup was used:

public class HtmlTableFormatter : IBatchTextFormatter
    public void Format(LogEvent logEvent, TextWriter output)
        using var buffer = new StringWriter();

    public void FormatBatch(IEnumerable<LogEvent> logEvents, TextWriter output)
        foreach (var logEvent in logEvents)
            Format(logEvent, output);

Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
    .WriteTo.File("log.txt", rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day, retainedFileTimeLimit: TimeSpan.FromDays(30), restrictedToMinimumLevel: LogEventLevel.Information)
    .WriteTo.Email(new EmailConnectionInfo
        FromEmail = "redacted",
        ToEmail = "redacted",
        MailServer = "",
        NetworkCredentials = new NetworkCredential("redacted", "redacted"),
        IsBodyHtml = true,
        EmailSubject = "Sync service - Errors",
    }, new HtmlTableFormatter())

You shouldn't be escaping characters like < etc when writing them through your formatter - this encodes them to display as text, rather than act as markup. A good one for the serilog tag on Stack Overflow if you still need a hand 👍