
Beyzanur Tekinli Portfolio

MIT LicenseMIT

Hi there, I'm Beyza 👋

Typing SVG


  • ⚡ I am really interested in programming. I'm very passionate and dedicated to improve myself. I enjoy every step of the design process, from discussion and collaboration.
  • 🔭 I’m currently working on Frontend Development.
  • 💬 I love software so I spend my waste time with it. Sometimes, if I have a problem about my project, I try to solve that project without sleeping until morning. My only goal is that to make the world a better place for all of us.
  • ✌️ I want to collaborate with a group on a project.
  • 📚 I think reading books is the easiest way to improve yourself. (Clean Code - Robert Martin)

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snake gif

Readme Card Readme Card

Ecole 42 Stats

btekinli's 42 stats

Ecole 42 Projects Progress

No Project Status No Project Status No Project Status
1 libft btekinli's 42 Libft Score 10A cub3d 🔒 20 NetPractice 🔒
2 born2beroot btekinli's 42 Born2beroot Score 10B miniRT 🔒 21 ft_containers 🔒
3 ft_printf btekinli's 42 ft_printf Score 11 CPP Module 00 🔒 22A ft_irc 🔒
4 get_next_line btekinli's 42 get_next_line Score 12 CPP Module 01 🔒 22B webserv 🔒
5A FdF 🔒 13 CPP Module 02 🔒 23 inception 🔒
5B so_long 🔒 14 CPP Module 03 🔒 24 ft_transcendence 🔒
6A minitalk 🔒 15 CPP Module 04 🔒
6B pipex 🔒 16 CPP Module 05 🔒
7 push_swap 🔒 17 CPP Module 06 🔒
8 minishell 🔒 18 CPP Module 07 🔒
9 philosphers 🔒 19 CPP Module 08 🔒
⚡ GitHub Stats


GitHub Activity Graph

⚡ Languages and Tools

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Terminal
