
Update PHP version to 8.1.3

dimitryzub opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Throws an error when updating google-search-results-php to latest 2.0 version.

Local version is 1.2.0:

$ composer show
serpapi/google-search-results-php 1.2.0 Google search result via Serp API

Updating via composer to version 2.0:

$ composer require serpapi/google-search-results-php:2.0


- serpapi/google-search-results-php 2.0 requires php ^5.5 || ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.3) does not satisfy that requirement.
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.

Pretty much a duplicate of PHP 8 #7 issue.

+1 need this package for php 8.1

With @marm123 we have noticed that when running this library on PHP version 8.x the following error is appearing:

Return type of RestClient::current() should either be compatible with Iterator::current(): mixed, or the #[\\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice

I found out that restclient.php is not compatible with PHP version 8.x

The temporary solution just replaces the restclient.php with the following:


 * PHP REST Client
 * (c) 2013-2017 Travis Dent <>

class RestClientException extends Exception {}

class RestClient implements Iterator, ArrayAccess {
    public $options;
    public $handle; // cURL resource handle.
    // Populated after execution:
    public $response; // Response body.
    public $headers; // Parsed reponse header object.
    public $info; // Response info object.
    public $error; // Response error string.
    public $response_status_lines; // indexed array of raw HTTP response status lines.
    // Populated as-needed.
    public $decoded_response; // Decoded response body. 
    public function __construct($options=[]){
        $default_options = [
            'headers' => [], 
            'parameters' => [], 
            'curl_options' => [], 
            'build_indexed_queries' => FALSE, 
            'user_agent' => "PHP RestClient/0.1.7", 
            'base_url' => NULL, 
            'format' => NULL, 
            'format_regex' => "/(\w+)\/(\w+)(;[.+])?/",
            'decoders' => [
                'json' => 'json_decode', 
                'php' => 'unserialize'
            'username' => NULL, 
            'password' => NULL
        $this->options = array_merge($default_options, $options);
        if(array_key_exists('decoders', $options))
            $this->options['decoders'] = array_merge(
                $default_options['decoders'], $options['decoders']);
    public function set_option($key, $value){
        $this->options[$key] = $value;
    public function register_decoder($format, $method){
        // Decoder callbacks must adhere to the following pattern:
        //   array my_decoder(string $data)
        $this->options['decoders'][$format] = $method;
    // Iterable methods:
    public function rewind(){
        return reset($this->decoded_response);
    public function current(){
        return current($this->decoded_response);
    public function key(){
        return key($this->decoded_response);
    public function next(){
        return next($this->decoded_response);
    public function valid(){
        return is_array($this->decoded_response)
            && (key($this->decoded_response) !== NULL);
    // ArrayAccess methods:
    public function offsetExists($key){
        return is_array($this->decoded_response)?
            isset($this->decoded_response[$key]) : isset($this->decoded_response->{$key});
    public function offsetGet($key){
            return NULL;
        return is_array($this->decoded_response)?
            $this->decoded_response[$key] : $this->decoded_response->{$key};
    public function offsetSet($key, $value){
        throw new RestClientException("Decoded response data is immutable.");
    public function offsetUnset($key){
        throw new RestClientException("Decoded response data is immutable.");
    // Request methods:
    public function get($url, $parameters=[], $headers=[]){
        return $this->execute($url, 'GET', $parameters, $headers);
    public function post($url, $parameters=[], $headers=[]){
        return $this->execute($url, 'POST', $parameters, $headers);
    public function put($url, $parameters=[], $headers=[]){
        return $this->execute($url, 'PUT', $parameters, $headers);
    public function patch($url, $parameters=[], $headers=[]){
        return $this->execute($url, 'PATCH', $parameters, $headers);
    public function delete($url, $parameters=[], $headers=[]){
        return $this->execute($url, 'DELETE', $parameters, $headers);
    public function head($url, $parameters=[], $headers=[]){
        return $this->execute($url, 'HEAD', $parameters, $headers);
    public function execute($url, $method='GET', $parameters=[], $headers=[]){
        $client = clone $this;
        $client->url = $url;
        $client->handle = curl_init();
        $curlopt = [
            CURLOPT_HEADER => TRUE, 
            CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $client->options['user_agent']
        if($client->options['username'] && $client->options['password'])
            $curlopt[CURLOPT_USERPWD] = sprintf("%s:%s", 
                $client->options['username'], $client->options['password']);
        if(count($client->options['headers']) || count($headers)){
            $curlopt[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = [];
            $headers = array_merge($client->options['headers'], $headers);
            foreach($headers as $key => $values){
                foreach(is_array($values)? $values : [$values] as $value){
                    $curlopt[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = sprintf("%s:%s", $key, $value);
            $client->url .= '.'.$client->options['format'];
        // Allow passing parameters as a pre-encoded string (or something that
        // allows casting to a string). Parameters passed as strings will not be
        // merged with parameters specified in the default options.
            $parameters = array_merge($client->options['parameters'], $parameters);
            $parameters_string = http_build_query($parameters);
            // http_build_query automatically adds an array index to repeated
            // parameters which is not desirable on most systems. This hack
            // reverts "key[0]=foo&key[1]=bar" to "key[]=foo&key[]=bar"
                $parameters_string = preg_replace(
                    "/%5B[0-9]+%5D=/simU", "%5B%5D=", $parameters_string);
            $parameters_string = (string) $parameters;
        if(strtoupper($method) == 'POST'){
            $curlopt[CURLOPT_POST] = TRUE;
            $curlopt[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $parameters_string;
        elseif(strtoupper($method) != 'GET'){
            $curlopt[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = strtoupper($method);
            $curlopt[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $parameters_string;
            $client->url .= strpos($client->url, '?')? '&' : '?';
            $client->url .= $parameters_string;
            if($client->url[0] != '/' && substr($client->options['base_url'], -1) != '/')
                $client->url = '/' . $client->url;
            $client->url = $client->options['base_url'] . $client->url;
        $curlopt[CURLOPT_URL] = $client->url;
            // array_merge would reset our numeric keys.
            foreach($client->options['curl_options'] as $key => $value){
                $curlopt[$key] = $value;
        curl_setopt_array($client->handle, $curlopt);
        $client->info = (object) curl_getinfo($client->handle);
        $client->error = curl_error($client->handle);
        return $client;
    public function parse_response($response){
        $headers = [];
        $this->response_status_lines = [];
        $line = strtok($response, "\n");
        do {
            if(strlen(trim($line)) == 0){
                // Since we tokenize on \n, use the remaining \r to detect empty lines.
                if(count($headers) > 0) break; // Must be the newline after headers, move on to response body
            elseif(strpos($line, 'HTTP') === 0){
                // One or more HTTP status lines
                $this->response_status_lines[] = trim($line);
            else { 
                // Has to be a header
                list($key, $value) = explode(':', $line, 2);
                $key = trim(strtolower(str_replace('-', '_', $key)));
                $value = trim($value);
                    $headers[$key] = $value;
                    $headers[$key][] = $value;
                    $headers[$key] = [$headers[$key], $value];
        } while($line = strtok("\n"));
        $this->headers = (object) $headers;
        $this->response = strtok("");
    public function get_response_format(){
            throw new RestClientException(
                "A response must exist before it can be decoded.");
        // User-defined format. 
            return $this->options['format'];
        // Extract format from response content-type header. 
        if(preg_match($this->options['format_regex'], $this->headers->content_type, $matches))
            return $matches[2];
        throw new RestClientException(
            "Response format could not be determined.");
    public function decode_response(){
            $format = $this->get_response_format();
            if(!array_key_exists($format, $this->options['decoders']))
                throw new RestClientException("'${format}' is not a supported ".
                    "format, register a decoder to handle this response.");
            $this->decoded_response = call_user_func(
                $this->options['decoders'][$format], $this->response);
        return $this->decoded_response;

Restclient is compatible with PHP 8.1:


The problem is we commit restclient.php instead of using composer for it:


@jvmvik I'd like to install restclient from composer. wdyt?

Restclient is compatible with PHP 8.1:


The problem is we commit restclient.php instead of using composer for it:


@jvmvik I'd like to install restclient from composer. wdyt?

Yes, our restclient is outdated 2017 - either we update it in our library or we use composer.