
can't launch dmc3

Opened this issue · 15 comments

when i first installed it it was working fine but when i wanted to play again it crashes once i press the thing to close the welcome message here are my log files

Question,did you have extracted dmc3-0.nbz in data/dmc3 folder?

Question,did you have extracted dmc3-0.nbz in data/dmc3 folder?

no the only things i extracted were the dll files and ran it

then go on data/dmc3 and check if there's a "GData.afs" folder,if there's none then open dmc3-0.nbz and extract it

there is

it's weird because it on mary.txt log,it says that it's not being able to open the files from GData.afs

how do i fix it?

check if there's anything inside GData.afs

tons of files

then try running the game on administrator

didn't work


this problem seems to be something that only @serpentiem know how to solve

i shall wait for him to see this thread

still no luck-

still no luck it seems

Did you try fixing this again @DeadzoneDulpo?