
Doesn't decode on IPad when locate: false

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Recently, I decided to turn locate to false in the Quagga config and ever since doing that the scanner never decodes the barcode when on the IPad. It works fine on desktop with my external webcam and was working on the IPad back when the locate was true.

Is locate: false supported on the IPad? Or is there anything else I need to do?

Here is my config if it helps:

        inputStream: {
          name: "Live",
          type: "LiveStream",
          constraints: {
            width: 360,
            height: 640,
            facingMode: "environment",
            aspectRatio: { min: 1, max: 100 }
          area: {
            top: "38%",
            right: "16%",
            left: "16%",
            bottom: "38%"
        locator: {
          patchSize: "large",
          halfSample: true
        numOfWorkers: 0,
        multiple: false,
        frequency: 5,
        decoder: {
          readers: ["code_128_reader"]
        locate: false
      function(err) {
        if (err) {
          return console.log("ERROR", err);

@ajess33, according to the docs, "multiple: false" should be inside the decoder object.