
saving generated images in javascript

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Hi Sr.Christoph My name is Jonas and I'am an brazilian developer, and I would like ask for your help if possible, with a trouble that I'am have had with a program.

I'am developing a program with your library QuaggaJs and if you want I can send for you, for you see and try to help-me

the problem is: I'am doing upload of some images and then I'am saving the codes generated into Mysql, the same way I catch these codes storage in a variable to give de name the images, but when these images are saved in a paste, the names are mixed, what I mean, this way the image that was to have the name 70 for example gets another name, all codes are mixed when safe images, so the images stay with name wrong. Please could you help me, I don't know who to turn to anymore.

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