
Language Change to German

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Hello Github-Users

I have sucessfully installed the Statuspage in a vHost, now when i change the language in the config.php it doesnt change the languages at the web.

Pryx commented

Hi there, the language in config.php is intended as a fallback when no locale can be successfully negotiated. Server status implements a locale negotiation algorithm that automatically detects and adjusts language based on browser settings.

Hello, at my website, i had change the option on the statuspage to german. A lot of things are English and the other part are German. Why are english and german on the same page?

Pryx commented

Which version of the Status page are you using? IIRC German translations were kinda patchy, maybe about 45% done, right now the German translations sit on a nice 86% coverage in the translation service (which should be currently on master).

in The Config.php i use de_DE ! That is that i know?

Pryx commented

Sorry for responding so slowly. When you installed the Server status which version did you use? The latest release or master branch? The released versions have older translations that were incomplete - when translation for a string is not available, english text is shown.

@CookieCr2nk If you see that the Status types (Operational, Major Issue, Minor Issue etc) are not translated on the frontpage, try adding the putenv(...) command to the config.php file just infront of where the setlocale(..) code starts. On my Ubuntu 18 server I had to add tit to make it do any translation (although the time calculation on each incident was show in my select language, but nothing else).


In addition I also had to install the required language on the OS. On ubuntu this is checked using the "locale -a" command. If you don't see de_DE or de_DE.utf8 listed it probably won't work. The fix was to add it using the following command:

locale-gen de_DE.UTF-8

Pryx commented

@thnilsen is it fixed then?

@Pryx It worked for me yes, but if this is the exact same issue that @CookieCr2nk reported I can't say. Would be good if we could get that feedback back from CookieCr2nk before closing this issue.