Cyclic reference found: ${param:customDomainName}
Closed this issue · 2 comments
stryker-sk commented
When running on serverless v4.4.3
$ serverless -v ✹ ✭main
Serverless ϟ Framework
• 4.4.3
$ serverless deploy 1 ↵ ✹ ✭main
Serverless ϟ Compose
Serverless Compose enables you to deploy multiple services in one command, in parallel, or ordered by dependencies.
✖ businessApi
Cyclic reference found: ${param:customDomainName}
✖ aiChatApi
Cyclic reference found: ${param:customDomainName}
✔ eventBus
EventBusName: event-bus-dev
ServerlessDeploymentBucketName: serverless-framework-deployments-us-east-1-4d235fad-6767
EventBusArn: arn:aws:events:us-east-1:010928222604:event-bus/event-bus-dev
Results: 1 services succeeded, 2 failed, 3 skipped, 6 total Time: 11s
czubocha commented
Hey @stryker-sk, thanks for reporting this. The fix will be included in the next serverless release. We'll keep you updated.
czubocha commented
Hey @stryker-sk, this has been addressed in version 4.4.4, which is now live. Feel free to try it out and let us know if you run into any issues.