
"ServerlessError: The security token included in the request is invalid" on deploy

Closed this issue · 2 comments

node: v8.10
serverless: 1.27.3
OS: Mac


$ sls deploy

with a combination or all of the following flags:

$ --stage local
$ --aws-profile local

Ex: sls deploy --aws-profile local

results in:

ServerlessError: The security token included in the request is invalid

with no further logs shown from setting --verbose.

Running Event Gateway locally w/

$ docker run -p 4000:4000 -p 4001:4001 -e "HOME=/home" -v ~/.aws:/home/.aws serverless/event-gateway -dev


2018-09-27T19:09:34.608Z	INFO	Running in development mode with embedded etcd. Events API listening on http://localhost:4000. Config API listening on http://localhost:4001.

taken straight from the official docs


service: profiles-service

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs8.10
  role: ***
  stage: local

    handler: handler.profiles
      - eventgateway:
        type: sync
        eventType: http.request
        path: /profiles/graphql
        method: POST

  - serverless-webpack
  - "@serverless/serverless-event-gateway-plugin"

  webpack: .webpack.conf.js
    url: http://localhost:4000
    accessKey: ***

What exactly is accessKey referring to on a local setup? It doesn't appear to be the aws_access_key_id nor the aws_secret_access_key defined in ~/.aws/credentials as I've copy-pasted those. Where would this local EG instance be setting or getting creds from if not from the passed in aws credentials?

How would I go about resolving this issue?

Also, as an aside, it doesn't appear as if the EG docker container is even port forwarding. When I curl http://localhost:4000, I just get curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 4000: Connection refused. This is confirmed when running sls gateway dashboard:

~~Event Gateway~~

~~ space: default~~
~~ endpoint: http://localhost:4000~~

~~  Fetch Error --------------------------------------------~~

~~  request to http://localhost:4001/v1/spaces/default/functions? failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED


  • It does not appear to be to the aws_session_token either.
  • Blowing up Docker & reinstalling to latest seems to properly port forward

Think this is due to serverless requiring locations to deploy CloudFormations & all. Feels strange at first, but makes sense.

Will try efforts to integrate localstack somehow, though the sls package is poorly supported.

Closing for now.

Make sure to select proper profile $ export AWS_PROFILE=profile name
then run serverless deploy

  1. $ export AWS_PROFILE=profile name
  2. serverless deploy