
Compose CLI Command Schema

Opened this issue · 2 comments

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  • I have searched existing issues, it hasn't been reported yet

Use case description

Framework currently follows a command format in the CLI where the action is the first action followed by an optional resource type and then whatever flags the command may require. However as new features such as Compose were added, we did not adhere to this standard and instead introduced further fragmentation where you would run Compose commands with different syntax.

In V4, we are going to keep the framework syntax as is, there will be no changes there. However we are going to revise the CLI command standards for Compose & Extensions.

We are going to introduce the following basic schema,


The goal is to have Compose and EXT adhere to this model going forward.



# Framework Service
  path: ./service-a

# EXT Service
  path: ./service-b

Framework Service serverless.yml

service: aws-node-express-api
frameworkVersion: '4'

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs20.x

    handler: handler.handler
      - httpApi: '*'

Extension Service serverless.yml

  extension: my-extension@latest

  extension: my-extension@latest

So with these files we can then run commands in the following ways,

Run Deploy on a specific service in Compose

serverless service-a deploy

Run a command on a specific extension instance in Compose

serverless service-b my-extension deploy

Run Deploy function on a specific framework service in Compose

serverless service-a deploy function -f myApi

Proposed solution (optional)

No response

If we do want to be able to perform more granular commands in a Service from a Compose file, this seems like it fits nicely without changing the UX.

# In serverless.yml

serverless deploy function -f myApi
# In serverless-compose.yml

serverless service-a deploy function -f myApi

100% @ac360 I should have clarified better, but my intention was to not change how framework services work. So your examples are exactly what I intended. The examples currently are more for Extensions and Compose in general.