Alpine version of NGINX Unit does not exist: no PHP embed SAPI found
jaydrogers opened this issue · 3 comments
Affected Docker Images
- *-unit-alpine
Current Behavior
When attempting to build an Alpine version of Unit, the build fails with this error:
23.87 creating build/Makefile
24.03 Unit configuration summary:
24.03 bin directory: ............. "/usr/bin"
24.03 sbin directory: ............ "/usr/sbin"
24.03 lib directory: ............. "/usr/lib"
24.03 include directory: ......... "/usr/include"
24.03 pkgconfig directory: ....... "/usr/share/pkgconfig"
24.03 man pages directory: ....... "/usr/share/man"
24.03 modules directory: ......... "/usr/lib/unit/debug-modules"
24.03 state directory: ........... "/var/lib/unit"
24.03 tmp directory: ............. "/var/tmp"
24.03 pid file: .................. "/var/run/"
24.03 log file: .................. "/dev/stdout"
24.03 control API socket: ........ "unix:/var/run/control.unit.sock"
24.03 non-privileged user: ....... "www-data"
24.03 non-privileged group: ...... "www-data"
24.03 IPv6 support: .............. YES
24.03 Unix domain sockets support: YES
24.03 TLS support: ............... YES
24.03 Regex support: ............. YES
24.03 NJS support: ............... NO
24.03 process isolation: ......... USER NS PID NET UTS CGROUP
24.03 cgroupv2: .................. YES
24.03 debug logging: ............. YES
24.03 + ./configure php
24.03 configuring PHP module
24.03 checking for PHP ... found
24.04 + PHP SAPI: [cli phpdbg cgi]
24.04 checking for PHP version ... not found
24.12 checking for PHP embed SAPI ... not found
24.19 ./configure: error: no PHP embed SAPI found.
Reason why this is failing
PHP excluded embed
for the Alpine versions
Expected Behavior
Unit should be able to compile and deliver an Alpine version.
Steps To Reproduce
Attempt to build an Alpine version locally:
bash scripts/ --variation unit --version 8.2.12 --os alpine
👉 Next Steps & Proposed Solution
Notes on how development works
Add Embed support
- Convert the base image to use ZTS for
support (docker-library/php#1355 (comment))
Example: 358f225
Update installer to support Debian and Alpine
Lines 21 to 60 in aa4ad44
- Break the scripts into two separate files
- Load the script based on the OS installing
Features to support
- Compile NGINX Unit from source with the provided PHP version from the base image
- Enable the copying of
for "production use" - Enable the copying of
for debug use
Important notes on current functionality
- We will continue to use the "Docker CMD Override" currently in place
Validating functionality
- Ensure 8.3.12 works with bookworm
bash scripts/ --variation unit --version 8.3.13 --os bookworm
- Ensure 8.3.12 works with alpine
bash scripts/ --variation unit --version 8.3.13 --os alpine
- Ensure 7.4.33 works with bullseye
bash scripts/ --variation unit --version 7.4.33 --os bullseye
- Ensure 7.4.33 works with alpine
bash scripts/ --variation unit --version 7.4.33 --os alpine
Also have the same problem
Sorry, now I see you use the official php image as the base image.
But the php zts build includes SAPI:
Now I see that you build it from source code, I don't know if you've tried it yet, but there is such an option:
./configure --enable-embed
This is what I used when I first tried with the nginx unit, it's not perfect, but maybe it helps. I haven't dealt with it since then, maybe SAPI has been removed from it since then.
FROM alpine:3.14
# Install packages and remove default server definition
RUN apk --no-cache add php7 php7-zip php7-intl php7-opcache php7-json php7-openssl php7-curl php7-tokenizer php7-exif php7-pcntl \
php7-zlib php7-xml php7-phar php7-dom php7-xmlreader php7-ctype php7-session php7-fileinfo php7-pdo_mysql \
php7-mbstring php7-gd php7-bcmath php7-gd php7-mcrypt php7-iconv unit unit-openrc unit-php7 curl \
git \
libpng-dev \
libxml2-dev \
zip \
unzip \
&& ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/unit.log \
&& ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/access.log
# Configure unit
COPY docker/nginx-unit/config.json /var/lib/unit/conf.json
# Get latest Composer
COPY --from=composer:latest /usr/bin/composer /usr/bin/composer
# Make sure files/folders needed by the processes are accessable when they run under the unit user
RUN mkdir -p /.composer && \
mkdir -p /run/php && \
mkdir -p /var/www && \
chown -R unit:unit /var/www && \
chown -R unit:unit /.composer
# Set working directory
WORKDIR /var/www
# install all PHP dependencies
COPY --chown=unit src/composer.lock .
COPY --chown=unit src/composer.json .
RUN composer install --no-ansi --no-dev --no-interaction --no-plugins --no-progress --no-scripts --optimize-autoloader
# Add application
COPY --chown=unit src/ .
COPY --chown=unit ./docker/.env ./.env
RUN composer dump-autoload
RUN php artisan optimize && php artisan config:cache && php artisan route:cache
CMD ["unitd", "--no-daemon", "--control", "unix:/var/run/control.unit.sock"]
# HEALTHCHECK --interval=5s --timeout=3s CMD curl --fail http://localhost/fpm-ping || exit 1