
I added getNextPage() to Response object

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I thought you might be interested in some simple functionality I added to the Symfony version of Instaphp


Can be used like this:

    $response = $this->api->Tags->Recent($tag, $options);
    do {
            $pages[] = $response->data;
    } while($response = $response->getNextPage());

It will get every page of results and put each into the $pages array

@ollietb Hey, thanks!! Do you can tell me how i can implement your new lines to sesser´s basic code?
Thanks for your answer!


@drosa88 that code refers to an old version. Instaphp has been rewritten since. I need to remove that from the readme.

@ollietb yea, i´ve found the function getNextPage() on one of the Instaphp files:

public function getNextPage()
    if(property_exists($this, 'pagination'))
        $pagination = $this->pagination;

        if(is_object($pagination) && property_exists($pagination, 'next_url'))

            $nextUrl = $this->pagination->next_url;

            if($nextUrl) {
                // take out the query parameters and put them into an array
                $urlInfo = parse_url($nextUrl);
                parse_str($urlInfo['query'], $params);

                //get the new Response
                $result = $this->request->Get(strstr($nextUrl, '?', true), $params);
                return $result->response;

    return false;

But i don´t know how i can use this in my project, i can´t find examples.. my foreach loop:

foreach ($dd_user_recent_media->data as $item) {

if ( ( $titan->getOption( 'layout' ) == 1 ) || ( $titan->getOption( 'layout' ) == 2 ) ) {

  <li class='$dd_li_class'>
    <a target='$output_target' href='$output_href' $output_attr_lb>
      <img alt='$image_username' src='%s'/>
  ", $image_high_res);


} //End Foreach

Any idea? :-)

@drosa88 you can read about pagination in the instagram docs

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