
Login problem with Safari (missing php sessions)

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello again!

I write because I'm having problems with login to instagram (with the iframe method). I have it really the problem with Safari. There seems to be a problem with PHP and this browser session when they are created from an iframe. I've seen the same problem happens in The problem grew as devices such as iPhone and iPad using Safari. (To see exactly what I'm talking about you can try to validate you in your application through your iPhone or through Safari for PC, cheesy the second time you try to validate you can read the session).

I have been looking on the internet about this issue but have not found any solution.

Can you think of a solution?

I have noticed a similar thing on IE on windows as well. It turned out to be the way IE was accepting 3rd party cookies. It accept the cookie for, but not for This is a limitation of the iframe method. To get around this, you have to change the settings of Safari (at least on Windows) to accept 3rd party cookies and it should work.