
Problem with install

bioinformaticaInta opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I am triyng to install teprha, the firt step finish succesfully (perl Makefile.PL), but in the second step, I obtain this error:

make test

make: *** No rule to make target 'lib/', needed by 'pm_to_blib'. Stop.

Can you help me with the isntallation??



Hi, I recommend you to run make clean and then perl Makefile.PL prior to running the make test. Let me know what the output of the commands is because it appears the Makefile is not getting generated.

Hi Evan, thank you for the response. I delete the complete directory and executed the Makefile.PL again. The final output of the Makefile.PL script was:

ar: u' modifier ignored since D' is the default (see U') ar: u' modifier ignored since D' is the default (see U')
Checks for more recent updates to EMBOSS
...No such file or directory at lib/Tephra/Config/ line 270.

I have installed all dependencies and prerequisites
