
Aggressive caching for npm-based builds.

Primary LanguagePython

Frosty (Node.js)

This tool is used to install Npm modules, as specified in a npm-shrinkwrap.json file. Each module which is installed will be cached, in $HOME/.frosty by default.

Benefits of this tool over vanilla npm:

  1. Modules are cached in a fully expanded, post-install state.
  2. This tool can be run in a fully offline mode, so that no network requests will take place.

How to install

The recommended method for installing is to use this one liner:

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sethmcl/frosty/latest/tools/net_install.sh)

This will install frosty to ~/.frosty, and you'll be able to launch frosty by running ~/.frosty/cli/bin/frosty.

There are two installation options available, which you can select by setting environment variables:

# Change the directory where frosty is installed.
INSTALL_DIR=~/some/dir bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sethmcl/frosty/latest/tools/net_install.sh)

# Change the version of frosty to install
VERSION=0.0.3 bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sethmcl/frosty/latest/tools/net_install.sh)

# Change both the install directory and version
INSTALL_DIR=~/some/dir VERSION=0.0.3 bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sethmcl/frosty/latest/tools/net_install.sh)

If the VERSION variable is not set, the last released version of frosty will be installed. This is denoted by the latest tag in this repository.


# look in current directory for npm-shrinkwrap.json and install node modules
frosty install


  --cwd [DIR]          Look for npm-shrinkwrap.json in this directory.
  --cache-dir [DIR]    Use this directory to cache npm modules.
  --force              Continue installation even if one or more modules fail to install.
  --http-proxy [URL]   Use a proxy to reach the npm registry.
  --offline            Do not download modules which are not found in the local cache.
  --registry [URL]     Use an alternative npm registry (default is https://registry.npmjs.org)
  --verbose            Show verbose output.

Private NPM modules

If you are using private NPM modules, you may specify your NPM auth token via the NPM_TOKEN environment variable.

NPM_TOKEN=abc123 frosty install

This will allow frosty to authenticate with NPM and see your modules.