
👨‍💻 Lua compiler for larger Dual Universe script projects

Primary LanguageLuaBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Lua CLI for Dual Universe

This is a very simple compiler for Dual Universe scripts that will not only combine your Lua source files and generate proper autoconfig files, but also includes improved event handling out of the box.

Currently, the compiler also has some notion of package management, though not very advanced, by allowing you to directly add Git repositories as external libraries, with all downloading and linking being handled by the compiler itself.

The compiler works by scanning and parsing require statements. It follows the following naming format: Package:File, though you should also be able to directly access a file in your current project by just pointing to the file instead. The .lua extension is not required. In cases where you try using require with an not found file, you will receive a small warning on your console but it won't fail the build, thus allowing to allow the game's built-in libraries, such as dkjson.


Here's some extra goodies that you have by using the Lua CLI on your next project:

Code Completion ("IntelliSense") support

Code Completion Example

For those who use the EmmyLua extension, available for IntelliJ and VS Code, Lua code completion support can be added by the CLI (including to existing projects) via the following command: du-lua add-code-completion

It will add the required files to your project directory, including a portable Lua "Codex" outlining the Lua API for most, if not all components. This Codex is generated based on the official Lua API Mockup offered by NovaQuark.

You can manually add type-hinting to things such as linked elements in your code by adding ---@type ElementClassName after its declaration, replacing ElementClassName with the desired element class:

local myCoreUnit = myCoreUnit ---@type CoreUnit

Improved Event Handlers

DU-LuaC has built-in support for multiple event handlers, which makes it easier to write modular scripts as you never override another script's event handler. They are automatically added to any liked component which has in-game events.

In case you want to add event support for your own objects and instances, use the library.addEventHandlers(yourInstance) function, which will add three new functions to your object:

Signature Description
handlerId = obj:onEvent(event, handler, ref) Calls handler whenever obj emits an event of type event, optionally replacing the value of self with ref and optionally saving the handler ID in handlerId
obj:clearEvent(event, handlerId) Clears the handle with identifier handlerId from the event of type event on obj
obj:triggerEvent(event, arg1, arg2, ...) Triggers the event of type event on obj, passing all following arguments (such as arg1 and arg2)

Please note that the first argument when calling handler will always be the either the instance itself or the value defined in ref, so for example, the mouseDown event for a Screen Unit is triggered as screen:triggerEvent('mouseDown', x, y), but the event handler will have the following signature: onScreenMouseDown(screen, x, y), the same also works for internals such as timers with onTick(unit, timer), etc. If you want to pass down your own self to be used inside handler, you must pass it as the ref argument to :onEvent

Automatic Linking Detection

Allows you to get lists of elements linked on your Control Unit, optionally filtering them by element class and name!

Below you have a list of functions and how to use them:

Signature Description Sample
library.getCoreUnit() Returns the connection to the Core Unit, if it's connected local core = library.getCoreUnit()
library.getLinks(filter, noLinkNames) Gets a list of linked elements, optionally filtering based on the element's function stated in filter (you can supply nil to ignore filtering). When noLinkNames is true, you get indexes instead of link names as the keys local screens = library.getLinks({ getClass: 'ScreenUnit' })
library.getLinksByClass(elementClass, noLinkNames) Gets a list of linked elements matching the selected class. When noLinkNames is true, you get indexes instead of link names as the keys local screens = library.getLinksByClass('ScreenUnit')
library.getLinkByClass(elementClass) Same as the previous function, but returns the first matching element local screen = library.getLinkByClass('ScreenUnit')
library.getLinkByName(elementName) Gets an element's link based on the element name (not the link name!) local screen = library.getLinkByName('Main Screen')

Please note that: to be able to get elements by their name, you will need to link your Core Unit to your Control Unit, thus losing one link. In case you don't want to go that route, you can still hard link your slot via the CLI. The disavantage of this is that you will have to remember the linking order for these elements.

Embedding Files

With the library.embedFile(file) function you are able to embed files at compilation time.

A great use case for HTML templates or any other kind of "large" content. You can simply put everything into a file (let's call it "hud.html"), edit it with your favorite editor's full capability of syntax highlighting and, when done, simply embed it into your code automatically with local hud = library.embedFile('hud.html'). All the contents of your file will be output into as a string into the hud variable, as if it was always there!

Please note that:

  • Values passed to that kind of function MUST be literals, so you can't pass any kind of value which requires processing (like 'test' .. 123, it must be pre-set as 'test123' instead).

  • File paths are relative to the Lua file being currently processed

  • File access is restricted only to the current project, due to security concerns


To install the compiler, run npm i -g @wolfe-labs/du-luac and it will be installed to your CLI. Make sure you have at least Node v.12 installed as some required features may not be present below that. You can also run this command to update the compiler.

Development Versions/Branches

If you're feeling adventurous and want to try out a development version of the CLI, you can install it using NPM: npm i -g https://github.com/wolfe-labs/DU-LuaC.git#wip

Specific feature branches are also available by changing the #wip to the branch name, for example: #feature/autoconf

Please be conscious that by using those versions things are subject to changes and bugs!

Setting-up GitHub Actions

By default when your project is created it comes with just an .gitignore file, so you aren't forced to use Git by default. In case you do, though, you can setup GitHub Actions so that your creations are automatically built and made available as JSON/YAML config files for your users.

To do this, copy over the github-actions.yaml template to your project's .github/workflows directory. Inside the file, copy and adjust the appropriate JSON/YAML artifact processing tasks so that your files are made available under the Actions tab.

You can also setup different builds for different branches too, just duplicate your file and edit the branches on the top of the file.


After installed, go into your projects directory and run du-lua create my-first-project and the interactive CLI will guide you with configuring your project.json file. You don't need to change any of the settings on this step.

After done with that, run du-lua -h to view a list of available commands.

You can compile your code using du-lua build, optionally passing one of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
--project=path/to/project.json Provides a custom project file to the compiler
--copy=target-name/build-name Automatically copies the specified build's JSON to the clipboard after compiling. If no target-name is provided, the first one is used, usually development

Adding a new Script/Build Entrypoint

In DU-Lua, scripts or "build entry-points" are meant to represent individual Control Unit elements on your project. For example, if you create a project for a new ship, you can have a script that will be used on the main flight seat, another for the cargo bay screens, etc.

To add a new script, run du-lua script-add your-script-name-here. This will create a new entry on the builds field and also create a new file called your-script-name-here.lua, which will also generate corresponding Lua, YAML and JSON files at build-time.

What about Render Scripts?

You can easily add a render script to your project by running du-lua script-add-screen, followed by a name for your script. At build time it will generate only a single optimized .lua file with all required files built into it.

Please keep in mind render script builds don't include any of the extra stuff such as event handlers or link detection.

To make an existing build into a render script, simply add "type": "screen" to the build in the project.json file, like so:

  "name": "Example",
  "description": "My example script",
  "sourcePath": "src",
  "outputPath": "out",
  "builds": {
    "MyRenderScript": {
      "name": "path/to/script",
      "type": "screen",
      "slots": {}
  "targets": {
    "development": {
      "name": "development",
      "handleErrors": false,
      "minify": false

Adding a new Build Target/Output

Before compiling, you also need to specify a Build Target for your project. It is used to define any optimizations that are done, such as minification, error logging and tracing, etc.

To access the interactive configuration tool, just run du-lua target-add and follow the instruction, selecting the options that best fit for your use case.

Listening to Events with Slots

Slots allow you to listen for events on linked elements. For that, you must define the events in the same order the elements will be linked to your Control Unit.

For elements that you only want to interact with via Lua, without any events, you can use the Automatic Linking Detection feature to find links by element class or name.

To add a new link to your script your-script-name-here, run du-lua script-link your-script-name-here and follow the interactive CLI. You will be asked to select an element type at one point, this is only needed if you want to be able to receive events from that element, otherwise select "Generic Element".

Using external Libraries

One of the coolest features of the compiler is allowing you to use external libraries in your code! This is possible by running the du-lua import your-library-path, where your-library-path can be either a directory path to another library or a Git address.

Using a directory path is not recommended as it will require everyone working on your code to have the exact same directory structure around, which can be a little cumbersome. Going for the Git alternative is much easier, as your project.json file will keep track of the Git repository of that specific library and any files will be automatically downloaded whenever you build a project with missing libraries.

You can use either the web URL of the repository or go for the recommended way and use the clone URL. For public repositories you can use the HTTPS clone URL and it will work without issues, though with private repositories you will need to have a proper public and private key pair set on your system. You can refer to this guide from GitHub on how to do it.

Please note you are required to have Git installed to be able to download Git repositories. You can download it here.

Note: As of v0.8, libraries that were not created on DU-LuaC (such as repositories containing only "pure" source files) are supported.

Inner Workings

There's a bunch of stuff here explaining how the compiler works and what every field in the project.json file does. You don't need to read this or understand how it works, since all configuration is now done via interactive CLI.

The minimalistic project.json

The most basic form of the project file is one including only your project name, the sourcePath field that indicates which of the directories includes source-code, and the outputPath field that points to where built files should go:

  "name": "@your-github/your-repo",
  "sourcePath": "src",
  "outputPath": "out"

It's basic, but since it doesn't include any builds or anything else, it won't do anything.

By adding a build and a target to it, it will be able to properly build:

  "name": "@your-github/your-repo",
  "sourcePath": "src",
  "outputPath": "out",
  "builds": [
      "name": "main",
      "slots": []
  "targets": [
      "name": "development",
      "minify": false,
      "handleErrors": true

With that and a file named main.lua in your src directory, you should be able to build successfully!

The resulting files will be located under the out/development directory, and will be named main.lua and main.json, with the JSON file being the auto-config one you can simply copy and paste in-game.


A build, in a nutshell, can be thought as one isolated part of your project.

For example, if you have a construct with two different Programming Boards, each connected to different Elements and with different scripts (control_panel.lua and storage.lua), you can do this simply creating the following setup:

  "builds": [
      "name": "control_panel",
      "slots": {
        "screen_main": {
          "type": "screen"
        "door_entrance": {},
        "db_accesses": {
          "type": "databank"
        "fuel_tank": {
          "type": "fuelContainer"
      "name": "storage",
      "slots": {
        "door_storage": {},
        "container_hub": {}

The name field for each of your build entries map directly to the files on your source directory, so if you have a file called controller.lua, then your build must be named controller.

Extra Build Options

These values may be set to true in your project file to have extra customization on how the code is output:

  • noEvents will disable the generation of event handling helpers
  • noHelpers will disable the generation of internal compiler helpers such as tools to find links
  • noPreload will disable the generation of package.preload when a valid require is found, inlines code instead
  • compress will enable the compression of your script's main output, which may help for larger scripts but makes them take a few instants to start

Enabling the options above is recommended when dealing with Lua render scripts.


A target, in other hand, defines how to output your code after it has been compiled. For example, you might want to have a minified version of your code for deployment in production, while also having a complete version for development or debugging purposes. This is possible by defining targets in your project file:

  "targets": [
      "name": "development",
      "minify": false,
      "handleErrors": true
      "name": "production",
      "minify": true,
      "handleErrors": false

With that, you don't need to keep building for different targets, as the moment you build your project they will be built automatically for you, each in their own directory.


Slots allow you to register elements linked to your control unit (Programming Board, Cockpit, etc) and have them available to your script for direct control and event handling.

They can be configured under each build and must be in the same sequence as you link the elements in-game. Failing to do so will link the wrong components and cause errors, potentially including headaches and hair pulling.

Note: All slots are now handled internally by the compiler when generating the autoconfig file, with the old wrap.lua script not being required anymore.


To link a library to your project, you will need to give it an ID and then add its path to the libs field. The ID doesn't need to match the one on the library itself, but will be the one you will use on your code when referring to that library. Relative paths are allowed, so if you have all your projects in the same directory, you can just use ../my-library-directory as its path and everything will just work!

There's no package management or online listing available as of now, though.

You can check the examples included in this repository to see how this can be implemented, the only requirement is that whenever you use require to load a file from another library, you add a : between the library ID and the file name. You don't need to include the .lua extension, but any file names must be valid files located under the library's corresponding sourcePath directory.

Disabling errors from the built-in DU libraries

When working with libraries that are built-in on Dual Universe, such as CPML, PL, Event, etc, you might find the compiler throwing out warnings about requires not being found. To counter that, you can mark those libraries as "internal" in your project file, by running du-lua ignore-native-libraries, those warnings will be converted to normal status messages and won't show when filtering log output to warning + errors.

Environment Variables

You can control how verbose the Lua CLI is by using the LOG_LEVEL environment variable. It has the following options:

  • debug - Includes debugging information
  • info - Default option, includes normal status information
  • warning - Display only warnings and errors
  • error - Displays only errors
  • none - Completely silences the CLI

Post-Mercury (0.30) Support

As of the Mercury (0.30) update, all events now start with the prefix on. So, for example, the old update event is now onUpdate.

To keep transitions like this as easy as possible, the CLI has been versioned, with the Project Format v2 being introduced.

Projects created with the new format should always use :onEvent('onEventName'), with the on prefix, while projects created previous to that may still use the old format (:onEvent('eventName')) and the CLI should automatically translate any calls.

Please keep in mind that events that changed name (such as Laser Detectors now using onHit) will need to have their names renamed on code too. You don't need to prefix it with on though, just use :onEvent('hit') and it will be fine.

Upgrading to Project Format v2

To upgrade your project to v2, make sure you have fixed all your event handlers to the new format, then add the following JSON to the top of your project.json file, right before "name":

  "cli": {
    "fmtVersion": 2

It should look like this:

  "cli": {
    "fmtVersion": 2
  "name": "your-project-name",

After doing so the CLI will not do any translations anymore and you should be using NQ's event format.

Ideas and Features

If you have any suggestions on how to improve the compiler, feel free to open an Issue on GitHub! It's always a welcome contribution!

Right now, these are features being planned/implemented:

  • Use package.preload instead of copying over module contents
  • CLI to ease creation of projects
  • Proper way to import libraries, maybe link to Git repos?
  • Command to update libraries in a project
  • Version control, maybe using Git branches/tags?
  • Proper autoconf generator written in JS so we don't need to use any Lua binary
  • Automated tests
  • Clean-up code, make it easier to contribute and maintain

Special Thanks

Code completion is made possible by the Codex generated by DU-OpenData, and is powered by NQ's excellent Lua API Mockup.

Special thanks to everyone who contributed on ideas for new features, testing and finding new bugs! You're all amazing!

About, Contact, Support, etc.

If you have any questions, feel free to ping me in Wolfe Labs' Discord server and I'll be glad to help!

I don't usually respond to friend requests, sometimes don't even notice them, so if you need to contact me please use the Discord server. Ping me, it won't hurt :)


In-game donations are more than welcome! Feel free to send any amounts to the Wolfe Labs in-game organization.

You can also buy me an IRL coffee too via both PayPal and Pix