Next steps after terraform apply
arvindamirtaa opened this issue · 8 comments
I think I'm missing a step. I cloned the repo, set the vars, ran terraform init, terraform plan and then terraform apply.
I got Apply complete! Resources: 41 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Then, I ran the root_token_decrypt_command
and got the token. Set VAULT_ADDR
as pert he
Assuming this is all correct, I should be able to interact with vault. Except I get...
Error enabling: Post "https://<IP>/v1/sys/mounts/secret": dial tcp <IP>:443: connect: connection refused
Upon digging a little further, the load balancer is reporting that the health check is failing for all 3 instances.
Is there a step I'm missing? Any pointers on what I can look into next?
this is happening for me too:
the load balancer is reporting that the health check is failing for all 3 instances.
@sethvargo looks like something happened where this terraform config no longer works out of the box - needs an update, this issue is reproducible
vault secrets enable -path=secret -version=2 kv
Error enabling: Post "https://<IP>/v1/sys/mounts/secret": EOF
I actually get this error rather than a connection refused error
logs for vault-0 vault-init:
2021/08/10 23:13:17 Starting the vault-init service...
2021/08/10 23:13:17 Head dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/08/10 23:13:27 Vault is not initialized.
2021/08/10 23:13:27 Initializing...
2021/08/10 23:13:30 Encrypting unseal keys and the root token...
2021/08/10 23:13:30 Unseal keys written to gs://<censored>-vault-storage/unseal-keys.json.enc
2021/08/10 23:13:30 Root token written to gs://<censored>-vault-storage/root-token.enc
2021/08/10 23:13:30 Initialization complete.
2021/08/10 23:13:30 Next check in 10s
2021/08/10 23:13:40 Vault is initialized and unsealed.
2021/08/10 23:13:40 Next check in 10s
2021/08/10 23:13:51 Vault is initialized and unsealed.
2021/08/10 23:13:51 Next check in 10s
2021/08/10 23:14:01 Vault is initialized and unsealed.
2021/08/10 23:14:01 Next check in 10s
2021/08/10 23:14:11 Vault is initialized and unsealed.
logs for vault-0 vault
==> Vault server configuration:
GCP KMS Crypto Key: vault-init
GCP KMS Key Ring: <censored>
GCP KMS Project: <censored>
GCP KMS Region: <censored>
Seal Type: gcpckms
Api Address: <censored>
Cgo: disabled
Cluster Address:
Listener 1: tcp (addr: "", cluster address: "", max_request_duration: "1m30s", max_request_size: "33554432", tls: "disabled")
Listener 2: tcp (addr: "", cluster address: "", max_request_duration: "1m30s", max_request_size: "33554432", tls: "enabled")
Log Level: warn
Mlock: supported: true, enabled: true
Storage: gcs (HA available)
Version: Vault v1.2.1
==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:
2021-08-10T23:13:24.383Z [WARN] failed to unseal core: error="stored unseal keys are supported, but none were found"
2021-08-10T23:13:27.389Z [WARN] core: stored keys supported on init, forcing shares/threshold to 1
2021-08-10T23:13:30.637Z [WARN] core: attempted unseal with stored keys, but vault is already unsealed
this project is no longer supported ? @sethvargo
on further inspection:
I reverted this PR: #94
and then everything started working as normal.
PR #94 adds support for Kubernetes Service Registration. This project is still using Vault 1.2.1 (now 2 years old) by default, however, and Kubernetes Service Registration wasn't added until Vault 1.4. Vault is now at v1.8.1. Try updating the Vault version to 1.8.1 on sethvargo/vault-on-gke#master
From the logs you posted, @agates4, it seems like there may be a separate Vault error unrelated to the updating of Pod labels
2021-08-10T23:13:24.383Z [WARN] failed to unseal core: error="stored unseal keys are supported, but none were found"
2021-08-10T23:13:27.389Z [WARN] core: stored keys supported on init, forcing shares/threshold to 1
2021-08-10T23:13:30.637Z [WARN] core: attempted unseal with stored keys, but vault is already unsealed
thank you @bchrobot !
using these values
variable "vault_container" {
type = string
default = "vault:1.8.1"
description = "Name of the Vault container image to deploy. This can be specified like \"container:version\" or as a full container URL."
variable "vault_init_container" {
type = string
default = "sethvargo/vault-init:0.2.0"
description = "Name of the Vault init container image to deploy. This can be specified like \"container:version\" or as a full container URL."
, the up-to-date code works as expected. Cheers 🥂