
Indexing TEM diffraction pattern with Spot ID V2: Crystal info loading problem

snayir6 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Seto,
Thank you so much for making available such comprehensive software I appreciate that. I am using your program to index collected TEM diffraction spots and I have no problem to loading images and identifying the spots with Spot ID V2. My question is when indexing the diffraction spots with Spot ID v2, it does upload the crystal data from the main window and not label the spots with their hkl index. Before identifying the spots, I select the reference crystal in the crystal list window (which is became blue). However, somehow the two windows (main window and spot ID v2) do not communicate or transfer the crystal info. Would you let me know what am I missing?
Thanks again for this software, I appreciate the effort

Hi Selda-san.

Thank you for using my software. Also, I'm sorry that it's difficult to understand how to use it.
In the latest version (v.4.829), after pressing the "Identify Spots" button, a message will be displayed to indicate whether it was successful or not.

The simplest way to use Spot ID v2 is as follows.

  1. Select the desired crystal in the main window, and call "Spot ID v2"
  2. Load the image.
  3. Click the "Detect & fit spots" button.
  4. Press the "Identify Spots" button.
    After loading the image, make sure that the camera length and pixel size are correct. If these are not correct, of course the indexing will not work.

I have attached a diffraction image file of SrTiO3 for your reference. This file is in DM3 format and when loaded, the camera length and pixel size will be automatically set. You can try to use this file to see if the indexing works.

If no matter how you try, it doesn't work, just upload your image here ( or email me).
