Extrude Along Curve issues
gmlewis opened this issue · 3 comments
First off, thank you for this project!
I wrote a custom "Helix" node in Lua, that looks like this:
When I attempt to extrude a quad along the helix curve using "Extrude Along Curve", I get this:
I'm a Rust newbie so I haven't dug into the code yet, but just wanted to report it here to keep track of the issue.
Here is the custom helix.lua
code (placed in the blackjack_lua/run
directory) I wrote in case you want to try it out:
local P = require("params")
local NodeLibrary = require("node_library")
Helix = {
label = "Helix",
op = function(inputs)
local points = {}
-- Generate the points
local max_angle = inputs.turns * 2.0 * math.pi
local num_steps = math.ceil(inputs.turns * inputs.segments)
if num_steps < 1 then
return { out_mesh = Primitives.line_from_points(points) }
local angle_delta = max_angle / num_steps
local delta_y = inputs.size.y * inputs.turns / num_steps
local direction = inputs.direction == "Clockwise" and -1 or 1
local start_angle = math.pi * inputs.start_angle / 180
for i = 0, num_steps do
local angle = direction * (start_angle + i * angle_delta)
local x = inputs.pos.x + inputs.size.x * math.cos(angle)
local z = inputs.pos.z + inputs.size.z * math.sin(angle)
local y = inputs.pos.y + i * delta_y
table.insert(points, vector(x, y, z))
return { out_mesh = Primitives.line_from_points(points) }
inputs = {
P.v3("pos", vector(0, 0, 0)),
P.v3("size", vector(1, 1, 1)),
P.scalar("start_angle", { default = 0, min = 0, soft_max = 360 }),
P.scalar("turns", { default = 1, min = 0, soft_max = 10 }),
P.scalar_int("segments", { default = 36, min = 1, soft_max = 360 }),
P.enum("direction", { "Clockwise", "Counter-Clockwise"}, 0),
outputs = {
returns = "out_mesh",
While I'm here, would you consider the possibility of being able to rename nodes?
Additionally, it would be nice to be able to search for a node with a keyboard shortcut (maybe "/"?) that would zoom into (zoom-fit) any nodes that match that name.
As the network grows more complex, I think it would be nice to label nodes especially for really important inputs from the user. As an example in the above screenshots, the far left "Point" node really represents an "Inner Radius" of a coil I would like to make, and I would like to name it that instead of just leaving it as a generic "Point".