斯坦福cs-245 as3 数据库故障与恢复



见 斯坦福cs-245 as3 数据库故障与恢复设计文档


Replicating gradescope tests locally

The code can be compiled using Maven; the following command generates a jar file for the entire project,

mvn package

You can simulate what the grader machines will do by running the autograder script as follows:

java -Xmx1536m -Xms1536m -jar target/tests.jar 

This will output a json file that should match the graded tests run on gradescope.

Submitting your solution



This will create a file student_submission.zip that you should upload to gradescope.

Alternatively, just make a zip file containing only TransactionManager.java with no directory structure and upload that.

Teaching Staff Autograder Setup

Create Autograder files and upload zip archive to Gradescope.

bash make_autograder.sh