
function at can't build a right value

missyliu opened this issue · 2 comments

example url: less-plugin-lists/docs/ref.examples/at.less

    a #000,
    b #111,
    c #222;

#header {
    color: at(@color, a);


#header {
    color: at(a "#000", b "#111", c "#222", a);

Sorry I can't test it right now (I'll try in a few days), but considering there's pretty similar test that passes fine, are you sure the plugin is actually enabled? I.e. what result do you get if comping the said test?

So I've tested this and it works as expected, resulting in:

#header {
  color: #000;

I guess this is why the issue is closed (w/o the plugin enabled, Less compiler will leave unknown function statements as-is assuming it some new CSS function, hence most likely the result you had).