If you are the first compiler SDK you need to install some thrid-party dependency libraies such as: openssl-1.1-0h/ffmpeg-4.0 and libao-1.2.0.
Once the setup is complete, you can execute the following commands for compilation.
mkdir ${HOME}/build_dir
git clone https://github.com/sevencheng798/MediaPlayerWrapper.git
Set third-party dependency install path:
cmake ../MediaPlayerWrapper \
-DFFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIR="${THIRD_LIBRARY_DIR}/ffmpeg-4.0/include" \
-DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="${THIRD_LIBRARY_DIR}/openssl-1.1h/include" \
-DOPENSSL_LIB_PATH="${THIRD_LIBRARY_DIR}/openssl-1.1h/lib" \
-DAO_INCLUDE_DIR="${THIRD_LIBRARY_DIR}/libao-1.2.0-pc/include" \
make && make install
First before testing, you need to copy the relevant 3rd libraries to the target device if the devices are missing them.
Then, you need to copy MediaPlayer/AudioMediaPlayer/test/AOWrapperTest run library and execute binrary file to the target device.
These library and execute are placed in the installation directory specified for compilation.
such as `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./_install`.
when the above is ready, you can execute the following command to test:
./AOWrapperTest -u "url"