
Application Only Mode

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Currently, deploying an IIS job will always create a new website and application.
I need a way to deploy a new application into an existing website which is managed outside of nomad.
This is needed especially in situations where you have an existing server where you only want to manage "some" applications by nomad.

I'am thinking about something like:

config {
  target_website = "Default Web Site"

  application {
    path = "..."

This will only manage the application inside the specified website but never touch the website itself.

There're a few restrictions:

  • Defining bindings or other website-related settings must be prohibited
  • All applications need to use an alias and they must be unique on the target node
    • It would be a good idea to define some client-metadata to ensure jobs are only scheduled on the right nodes containing the website
  • There can be no nomad-managed root-application because changing it's path would require to re-create it