
Make kerberos-related functionality optional for a package

tribunsky-kir opened this issue · 0 comments


Currently wunderkafka requires building confluent-kafka's wheel with --no-binary option (for the SASL/Kerberos support).

Depending on version of confluent-kafka runtime error may look like:

cimpl.KafkaException: KafkaError{code=_INVALID_ARG,val=-186,str="Unsupported value "sasl_gssapi" for configuration property "builtin.features": cyrus-sasl/libsasl2 not available at build time"}

cause pregenerated config contains sasl_gssapi.

Original source:


Unable to use wunderkafka without recompiling, which is not necessary for all cluster installations and not possible in uncontrolled environments.

Version info

  • wunderkafka: prior to 0.10.1