A null status reply
taoxulong opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the problem
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- OS: centos
- Compiler: gcc 5.2
- hiredis version: up-to-date
- redis-plus-plus version: redis-plus-plus_1_3_9
- redis server : version: 5.0.14
sw::redis::cmd::auth (connection=..., password=...) at /home/ofcs/app/src/billing/redis-plus-plus/src/sw/redis++/command.h:37
37 char auths[64] = {'\0'};
(gdb) n
38 sprintf(auths, "AUTH %s", password.data());
39 connection.send(auths);
(gdb) p auths
$8 = "AUTH abcfffff!", '\000' <repeats 48 times>
(gdb) n
41 }
sw::redis::Connection::_auth (this=0x7fffffffd6a0) at /home/ofcs/app/src/billing/redis-plus-plus/src/sw/redis++/connection.cpp:314
314 auto reply = recv();
316 assert(reply);
(gdb) p reply
$9 = {
_M_t = {<std::_Tuple_impl<0ul, redisReply*, sw::redis::ReplyDeleter>> = {<std::_Tuple_impl<1ul, sw::redis::ReplyDeleter>> = {<std::_Head_base<1ul, sw::redis::ReplyDeleter, true>> = {sw::redis::ReplyDeleter = {}, }, }, <std::_Head_base<0ul, redisReply*, false>> = {_M_head_impl = 0x6f6760}, }, }}
(gdb) p *reply
$10 = (redisReply &) @0x6f6760: {type = 5, integer = 0, dval = 9.8813129168249309e-324, len = 6924672, str = 0x0, vtype = "\000\000\000", elements = 0, element = 0x71}
(gdb) n
318 reply::parse(*reply);
auth xxxx
catch --- A null status reply
sw::redis::ConnectionOptions connection_options;
connection_options.host = ""; // Required.
connection_options.port = 6000; // Optional. The default port is 6379.
connection_options.password = "1234dx!"; // Optional. No password by default.
connection_options.db = 0; // Optional. Use the 0th database by default.
sw::redis::ConnectionPoolOptions pool_options;
pool_options.size = 5; // Pool size, i.e. max number of connections.
pool_options.wait_timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(100);
sw::redis::RedisCluster* redisofDB1 = NULL;
try {
redisofDB1 = new sw::redis::RedisCluster(connection_options, pool_options);
catch (const sw::redis::Error& err) {
printf("RedisHandler-- other:%s \n", err.what());
return ;
Not reproducible.