
Undefined Symbol on redis.subscriber()

thomasmurphycodes opened this issue · 4 comments

The issue is that I am able to run redis.get() and redis.set(), but compilation fails if I try to create a subscriber() object. I am following the CMake example provided in the README. Are there additional symbols to be linked to make subscriber() able to be compiled?

Minimal reproduceable example:

#include <sw/redis++/redis++.h>

using namespace sw::redis;
// Create an Redis object, which is movable but NOT copyable.
Redis redis = Redis("tcp://");

int main() {
    auto sub = redis.subscriber();
    return 0;

Compilation error:

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_redisFree", referenced from:
      sw::redis::Connection::ContextDeleter::operator()(redisContext*) const in main.cpp.o

Platform: Mac OSX 12.3.1
Compilation command: /Applications/ --build /Users/thomasmurphy/CLionProjects/remote_build_test/cmake-build-debug --target remote_build_test -- -j 6

Sorry but I cannot reproduce your problem.

However, I'm not sure if the macro CPPHTTPLIB_OPENSSL_SUPPORT you defined, e.g. other libs included, has any impact on it. Could you please remove other dependencies, and retry it?


Also, please ensure that you linked with libhiredis.a or _redisFree is defined by hiredis, and your error message shows that the related symbols is not defined. Normally, you can fix this problem by linking libhiredis.


I will try to get a repro going in isolation reflecting comments above in next couple of days - thanks!

Since there's no update, I'll close this issue.
