
Not able to use with Hyperleadger Fabric SDK.

bdzo opened this issue · 3 comments

bdzo commented


First of all thank you for building such module. :)

But I am having trouble using this module with Hyperleadger Fabric SDK..

Here is error I am getting:

1:M 10 Jan 2020 13:59:19.156 # <PB> failed to load ledger/queryresult/kv_query_result.proto                                                                 
error:google/protobuf/timestamp.proto:-1:0:File not found.                                           
error:ledger/queryresult/kv_query_result.proto:11:0:Import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto" was not found or had errors.                
error:ledger/queryresult/kv_query_result.proto:26:4:"google.protobuf.Timestamp" is not defined.                                                                                              
1:M 10 Jan 2020 13:59:19.156 # Module /usr/lib/redis/modules/ initialization failed. Module not loaded                                                                     
1:M 10 Jan 2020 13:59:19.156 # Can't load module from /usr/lib/redis/modules/ server aborting          

And here is my Dockerimage:


Hi @bdzo

You got this error, because google/protobuf/timestamp.proto is not saved under /usr/lib/redis/proto directory. This is a related issue, and I've fixed the problem. However, you still need to copy these standard proto files to /usr/lib/redis/proto directory.

Also I'll copy these files to sewenew/redis-protobuf docker image. When that's done, you can pull the latest image, and your proto file should be loaded successfully. I'll let you know, when I'm done with that.


Hi @bdzo

The Dockerfile has been updated, and it will copy these standard proto files to /usr/lib/redis/proto directory.

You can try the latest image, and I think it should work now. If you still have any problem with this module, feel free to let me know :)


bdzo commented


Thanks for fast response!

It works great!

Kind regards