
Is the OVA on the official wesite available ??

Opened this issue · 7 comments

It seems the OVA appliance that used to be available on the website ( is not anymore.
Would you please advise whether there is an alternative download location available ??

Thank you kindly

Hi Arthur, thanks for your support. We had a storage issue few days ago and forgot to update some links. It's fixed now, please try again and let us know.

Thank you greatly for you swift response.
I have just tried, but to no avail.
I will try again later, maybe it needs some time ;)


right, should be ok this time

almost one year later and the download link is still broken lmao

it's still working fine.
BTW, are you using SexiLog for VMware purpose or for something else?

wget works but not browser, the file is not served over ssl. and yeah i was thinking for vmware but am leaning towards something dockerized instead of a separate appliance, just experimenting

Mixed Content: The site at '' was loaded over a secure connection, but the file at '' was loaded over an insecure connection. This file should be served over HTTPS. This download has been blocked. See for more details.