
Executing Command rails generate bootstrap:install less Never Finishes - Bootstrap 2

lightbe opened this issue · 2 comments

Note: Bootstrap 2 is the only version of Bootstrap I'm currently using for all my Rails 4 applications since I currently don't have the time to learn the current version of Bootstrap and redo all my Rails applications. I'm running the latest version of Ruby 2.2.2. I'm also using the latest version of RVM.

Yesterday I created a Rails 4.2.2 application and installed version 2.2.8 of the gem with therubyracer 0.12.2 and less-rails 2.7.1. When I executed rails generate bootstrap:install less it created the bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less within a minute.

About two hours ago I created a new Rails 4.2.5 application and installed version 2.2.8 of twitter-bootstrap-rails with therubyracer 0.12.2 and less-rails 2.7.1 in a different gemset. I submitted the rails generate bootstrap:install less command and as of now the command has not executed.

Here is what my terminal looks like. I stopped the first one after about 30 minutes. The second one is still sitting there.

[myrailsapp]$ rails generate bootstrap:install less
[1]+ Stopped rails generate bootstrap:install less
[myrailsapp]$ rails generate bootstrap:install less

I could not find anything in the documentation for the gem. However I did find the following link in Stack Overflow using a newer version of twitter-bootstrap-rails. The culprit seems to be with the spring gem being used.

The suggested solution worked for the person who submitted the question. However when I tried to stop spring I get a segmentation fault error. The same happens when I remove spring from my Gemfile.

Here is the file with the terminal statements for the segmentation error.


Here is the Ruby crash report file produced.


I decided to try and create another Rails 4.2.5 application using the current version of the gem. I still get the segmentation error.

Not using this gem anymore. Closing issue