
[ruby, tdd, rspec]

Primary LanguageRuby

Testing with RSpec

Why is this important?

Test Driven Development leads to better code. TDD is extremely helpful when implimenting software according to predefined specifications and expectations. Previously, we've run tests and passed them; now, we'll see how to write them.

What are the objectives?

After this workshop, developers will be able to:

  • Write unit tests with RSpec using expectations and matchers
  • Compare and contrast common RSpec terms including describe, it, and context
  • Refactor tests with before, subject, and let

Where should we be now?

Before this workshop, developers should already be able to:

  • Program in Ruby
  • Pass tests in a TDD manner

Do You Test?

####Place yourselves somewhere in the following ranges:

  • I have used TDD or I have never used TDD

  • I love the idea of TDD or I hate the idea of TDD


  • For those of you who are negative to testing, why? What did you or would you do instead?
  • For those of you who are positive to testing, why? What problems did it solve?
Some possible responses...
  • Cons
  • Time. It's a waste of my time and effort to test.
  • It's too much. I can test just fine using the console.
  • App complexity. My app is too simple to require testing.
  • Pros
  • Bug detection. Quickly identify unanticipated errors.
  • Code Quality. Create standards for our code before writing it.
  • Time. Shorten development time through bug detection; allows for continuous integration.
  • Documentation. Tests act as a documentation of sorts for how our code should work. Helpful to other developers and shareholders.
  • Jobs. Testing is a job requirement across the board.

Unit vs Acceptance Tests

Unit tests check the smallest level; the functionality of a specific method (what we'll be discussing mostly today).

Acceptance tests verify our apps at the level of user interaction; testing for things when users take an action like visiting a page, clicking a links, loggin in, etc.

  • A unit test focuses on an individual methods. Unit tests are intended to test modular blocks of code to ensure a specific input results in a specific output.

  • Acceptance tests have a much wider focus. You'd use acceptance testing to make sure a sign-in form works, or that a user who doesn't have admin privileges can see this page, while a user who does have admin privileges can see that page.

Unit testing always should come before acceptance testing.

You'll see the term test coverage pop up pretty often. People are always aiming for "100% test coverage". If your app has 100% test coverage, that means every single method in your app has a unit test verifying that it works.

For instance, while it's easy and free to write Salesforce apps, Salesforce will only add your app to its "app store" if you've obtained 100% test coverage, and Salesforce's developer team can run your tests and have them all pass.

What are the reasons testing is so important? Why would employers love it so much?

We've asked you to write user stories. Writing unit tests is a very similar process. In fact, user

When we think of "testing" we tend to think of something you do after you've created something. With unit tests, you're encouraged to write the tests first before you even start writing actual code.

TDD Review

TDD Example


  • Fewer bugs in our code

  • Provides a clear goal in the development, that is, to make all tests to pass.

  • Allows for automation and continuous integration, ensuring that our application won’t break

  • A little more time upfront means a lot of time saved down the line! (Think about refactoring)


  • Requires time and effort.

  • Could be more costly to an organization when there are changes in requirements.

What is RSpec?

RSpec is a testing framework for the Ruby programming language.

RSpec makes it easier to write tests. Essentially it's a Domain Specific Language for writing live specifications about your code. It was released on May 18, 2007, so it's been around for a while.

A DSL, "Domain Specific Language", is created specifically to solve problems in a particular domain and is not intended to be able to solve problems outside of it. Other DSLs include HTML or SQL. This is opposed to domain independent languages like Java, C++, Ruby, Python, PHP, JavaScript, Clojure, Rust, Scala, Erlang etc that are Turing complete (can solve any possible computation problem).

RSpec Example

Code is available here: example-tests

When rspec is run in the example-tests directory, what does it show?

Finished in 0.00565 seconds (files took 0.14281 seconds to load)
5 examples, 0 failures

Let's review spec/person_spec.rb. This is the specification for a Person. It indicates how we can expect a Person to function.

├── models
│   └── person.rb
└── spec
    ├── person_spec.rb
    └── spec_helper.rb

2 directories, 3 files

We have a Person model and a Person spec (a specification or test). This is the typical RSpec convention. Specs live under the spec directory and echo the models in our system with the _spec suffix.

Let's look further into person_spec.rb

# This first line is a reference to our library code.  We need to access to the classes we have written in Ruby to write our tests!

require_relative '../models/person'  # a reference to our code

describe Person do
  describe "Constructor" do
    subject(:matt) { Person.new("Matt") }

    it "should create a new instance of class Person" do
      expect(matt).to be_an_instance_of(Person)

    it "should have a name" do
      expect(matt.name).to_not be_nil

    it "should default #language to 'English'" do
      expect(matt.language).to eq("English")

  describe "#greeting" do
    context "for default language (English)" do
      subject(:bob) { Person.new("Bob") }

      it "should offer a greeting in English" do
        expect(bob.greeting).to eql("Hello, my name is Bob.")

    context "when language is 'Italian'" do
      subject(:tony) { Person.new("Tony", "Italian") }

      it "should offer a greeting in Italian" do
        # legacy syntax - the old DSL
        tony.greeting.should eql("Ciao, mi chiamo Tony.")
        # equivalent to:
        # expect(tony.greeting).to eql("Ciao, mi chiamo Tony.")

What does expect(matt).to be_an_instance_of(Person) mean in regular English?

Creating a Unit Test using RSpec

We are going to be creating something similar to the above example. Instead we will be writing a spec for creating a new ruby class of Dog


Make a new directory dog, cd into it and touch a Gemfile.

Install RSpec

The first thing we'll do is install a gem called RSpec. To do this, just add gem 'rspec' to the Gemfile:

source "https://rubygems.org"

gem 'rspec'

Then, in your Terminal:

$ bundle install
$ rspec

After running rspec, you should get a message saying "No examples found." When it says "examples", it means "tests". It's saying, "You haven't written any tests for me to run!"

Set up the directory

Enter the command rspec --init. What just happened?

  • a spec directory was created, where the tests will live
  • an .rspec file was created, where one can specify options on how the tests are displayed
  • a spec/spec_helper.rb is created, which ensures the tests are run with the correct requirements and configurations

Inside the spec directory and add a file called dog_spec.rb. Additionally, create a models directory and a file inside it, dog.rb, where we will define our class Dog.

Note: Within .rspec file add --color OR in spec/spec_helper.rb add config.color = true to see colorful tests!

Writing our Specification

Let's start defining the design of our program with certain specifications. Let's spec out our Dog with some psuedocode.


require_relative "../models/dog"
describe Dog do


We will specing-out or describe our Dog. A describe block is commonly used to split up a set of tests into sections about a certain set of tests will be focused on.

Now let's run rspec. What happened? Does the file it's require exist?

Make the file and run the tests again. What happens this time? Does the constant Dog exist? Let's give it just enough code to satisfy the current (minimal) specifications.


Dog = Object.new

Realistically we'll want our Dog constant to be class that creates new dogs. So let's start specing it out. We'll first want to start describing it's .new method. Remember, in Ruby documentation it is convention to prefix class methods with :: and instance methods with #.


describe Dog do
  describe "::new" do
    # specs to come

Now we can start writing out some specifications related to the new method using and it block

describe Dog do
  describe "::new" do
    it "initializes a new dog"

What is is the output now? We should get 1 example, 0 failures, 1 pending, saying that our specification is not yet implimented.

Now add do at the end of the first it line.

describe Dog do
  describe "::new" do
    it "initializes a new dog" do
      #specs to come...

Run rspec again. Our tests passed because RSpec will evaluate a test as passing as long as no errors are thrown.

Let's make our specs actually test something.

describe Dog do
  describe "::new" do
    it "initializes a new dog" do
      dog = Dog.new
      expect(dog).to be_a(Dog)

Expectation: expect(dog).to

Matcher: be_a(Dog)

We use the pattern expect(IUT) to "wrap" the Item Under Test, so that it supports the to method which accepts a matcher. Here we are wrapping an object or block in expect, call to or to_not (aliased as not_to) and pass it a matcher object

RSpec documentation Built in Matchers

What is the minimal amount of code we can write in models/dog.rb to pass our current expectation?

##More expectations!

###Naming your Dog

Let's give our dog instances the method to get and set an attribute name. Obviously let's first start with the specfication.

describe Dog do
  describe "#name" do
    it "allows the reading and writing of a name" do
      dog = Dog.new
      dog.name = "Fido"
      expect(dog.name).to eq("Fido")

What is the minimal code one could write to pass these specifications?

Challenge: Hungry Dog

Add an expectation to the dog that, "allows the reading and writing of a hunger level". When complete, ensure the tests are writing correctly by watching them fail. Finally implement the code that passes the new expectation.

Example solution


describe Dog do
  describe "#name" do
    it "allows the reading and writing of a hunger level" do
      dog = Dog.new
      dog.hunger_level = 5
      expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(5)


class Dog
  attr_accessor :hunger_level


###Feeding the Dog

Let's impliment a method eat which decrements a dog's hunger level when invoked. How would we translate this specification in RSpec tests?


describe Dog do
  describe "eat" do
    it "decrements the hunger level when invoked" do
      dog = Dog.new
      dog.hunger_level = 5
      expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(4)

###Challenge: Teach the Dog to Eat

Write the code that passes the above specifications.

Example solution


class Dog
  def eat
    self.hunger_level -= 1


Image we want the eat method to behave differently in different contexts. For example if the dog is not hungry and has a hunger_level of 0, we don't want the eat method to continue decrementing. In order to setup different scenarios or contexts in our specifications, we can use the context keyword. Generally, context blocks are a "nice to have" in testing and improve organization and readability.

Use describe for "things" and context for "states.


describe Dog do
  describe "eat" do
    context "when the dog is hungry" do
      it "decrements the hunger level when invoked" do
        dog = Dog.new
        dog.hunger_level = 5
        expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(4)
    context "when the dog is full" do
      it "doesn't decrement the hunger level when invoked" do
        dog = Dog.new
        dog.hunger_level = 0
        expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(0)

###Challenge: Don't Over Eat

Write the code to pass the above specs!

Example solution


class Dog
  def eat
    self.hunger_level -= 1 if hunger_level > 0


Do you see any opportunities to refactor? Identify them...

describe Dog do
  describe "::new" do
    it "initializes a new dog" do
      dog = Dog.new
      expect(dog).to be_a(Dog)
  describe "#name" do
    it "allows the reading and writing of a name" do
      dog = Dog.new
      dog.name = "Fido"
      expect(dog.name).to eq("Fido")
  describe "#name" do
    it "allows the reading and writing of a hunger level" do
      dog = Dog.new
      dog.hunger_level = 5
      expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(5)
  describe "eat" do
    context "when the dog is hungry" do
      it "decrements the hunger level when invoked" do
        dog = Dog.new
        dog.hunger_level = 5
        expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(4)
    context "when the dog is full" do
      it "doesn't decrement the hunger level when invoked" do
        dog = Dog.new
        dog.hunger_level = 0
        expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(0)

How many times are we writing dog = Dog.new? It seems we'll have to do that at the beginning of most specifications.

###Subject Blocks

We could use before, let, or subject to help us refactor these specifications. Let's prefer using subject as the dog is the subject, or thing we are testing. let is similar, but may be used when one wants to set up a variable that isn't necessarily the subject, for example it could be the food the dog is eating. Whereas let and subject are used to setup "dependencies", before which is best used to setup an action in advance, such as opening a connection with a database.

describe Dog do
  # refactors the tests with subject
  subject(:dog) { Dog.new }
  describe "::new" do
    it "initializes a new dog" do
      expect(dog).to be_a(Dog)
  describe "#name" do
    it "allows the reading and writing of a name" do
      dog.name = "Fido"
      expect(dog.name).to eq("Fido")
  describe "#name" do
    it "allows the reading and writing of a hunger level" do
      dog.hunger_level = 5
      expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(5)
  describe "eat" do
    context "when the dog is hungry" do
      it "decrements the hunger level when invoked" do

        dog.hunger_level = 5
        expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(4)
    context "when the dog is full" do
      it "doesn't decrement the hunger level when invoked" do

        dog.hunger_level = 0
        expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(0)

###Before Blocks

We can further refactor the above code with a before block in order to setup the state of our dog by calling a few methods on it.

describe Dog do
  subject(:dog) { Dog.new }
  before do
    dog.name = "Fido"
    dog.hunger_level = 5
  describe "::new" do
    it "initializes a new dog" do
      expect(dog).to be_a(Dog)
  describe "#name" do
    it "allows the reading and writing of a name" do
      expect(dog.name).to eq("Fido")
  describe "#name" do
    it "allows the reading and writing of a hunger level" do
      expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(5)
  describe "eat" do
    context "when the dog is hungry" do
      it "decrements the hunger level when invoked" do
        expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(4)
    context "when the dog is full" do
      it "doesn't decrement the hunger level when invoked" do
        dog.hunger_level = 0
        expect(dog.hunger_level).to eq(0)

Note: you can pass different options to before.

before(:each) is a block of code that runs every time before each test is execute.

before(:all) is the same concept, except it only runs once, before all the tests inside it have started.

Challenge: Cereal Robot Exercise

Watch this video.

Split up into groups of 4. For 15 minutes, on a whiteboard, work with your group to draft the unit tests for this cereal-delivering robot.

Goal: When all the tests pass, that means the robot works. However, you're only writing pending tests -- don't actually write the code that would make the tests pass.

Constraints: Try to write everything as describe, context, and it blocks. Method names should start with #.

Garnet Example

RSpec is used to test Garnet, the attendance/homework tracking app. Before any changes get pushed up to our live server, they have to pass all the tests -- an automated system rejects the changes if they don't pass.

Here's what the model tests look like. Checkout a few of them... Seem familiar?

Challenge: Grand Prix Racing


Quiz Questions:

  • What is the purpose Unit testing?
  • Explain what role RSpec plays in testing.
  • What is subject useful for?
  • How does describe and context differ?

Additional Resources