Usage documentation
Valve opened this issue · 1 comments
Valve commented
Please write a couple of lines of documentation & examples, it's not very clear how to use the library.
shish commented
I think I got at least part of it working - for anybody else who ends up here by google:
First, as of this writing, this crate only works with rust-postgres 0.15 -- 0.16 seems to be a complete rewrite based on top of tokio and is not compatible
With the right versions in place, this is how I run a query which returns a set of (str, array[int])
use postgres::{Connection, TlsMode};
use postgres_array::array::Array;
let client = Connection::connect(dsn, TlsMode::None).expect("Failed to connect");
for row in &client.query("\
SELECT tag, array_agg(post_id)
FROM post_tags
", &[]).unwrap() {
let tag: String = row.get(0);
let post_ids: Array<i32> = row.get(1);
let post_ids_vec: Vec<i32> = post_ids.iter().cloned().collect();