
Lifetime-based iterator

Closed this issue · 2 comments

vigna commented

We would love to use StreamingIterator, but we are in a situation in which we need a lifetime on the item. We are implementing our own version similarly to this:

pub trait StreamingIterator {
    type Item<'b>
        Self: 'b;

    fn get(&self) -> Option<Self::Item<'_>>;

That is, we return actually the item, rather than a reference to the item, and the item has a lifetime that we can use to return references inside the item.

It there any way StreamingIterator can be adapted to this case?

It would definitely be a breaking change to switch to GATs, and I think that would also come with some compiler limitations that don't affect the current &Item style.

There are a few other crates that do this, often calling it "lending iterator" now to distinguish from async streams.

vigna commented

Thank you, we will look into it. Great create, in any case!