
Write a function to convert a named list to the required list of arguments

sfcheung opened this issue · 1 comments

Some functions require users to specify the changes as a list of lists. E.g.,

list(list(node = "x3", rotate =  45),
      list(node = "x4", rotate = -45),
      list(node = "x2", rotate = -90))

This can be difficult to read and write. We can write a function to convert a named list, or even a named vector, to this kind of list. E.g.,

# Option A:
fct(c(x3 = 45, x4 = -45, x2 = -90)) # Return the list in the block above.
# Option B:
fct(list(x3 = 45, x4 = -45, x3 = -90)) # Return the list in the block above.

It is better to write a separate function to do this, for two reasons.

  1. This function can be be used for all other semptools functions.

  2. We do not need to modify the existing functions.


  • Drafted, to_list_of_lists. Preliminary tests passed.

  • Functions revised (preliminary tests passed).

    • rotate_resid, for the argument rotate_resid_list.

    • set_curve, for the argument curve_list.

    • set_edge_label_position, for the argument position_list.

    • set_sem_layout, for the argument indicator_push, indicator_spread, and loading_position

Done. Functions added, revised, and tested.